Entry #11


Well today was amazing and just so much fun. We had to wake up super early today to go pick up my sister, we had to wake up at 10 and usually we wake up at 12 or 1 but we gotta make sacrifices some times. When we got to the airport to pick my sister up it said that her flight had landed then it took her an hour to get off the plane. Which would make sense if there was like a plane full of people but on her plane there were only 5 people so I think that she just stood at the top of the escalators just to mess with us cause that is something she would do. Anyway my sister is finally home, which was just so freaking amazing and wonderful. One downside is that me and my family have to be quarantined for 14 days now, which should be fun but also maybe terrible at times. Today we pretty much played games, went through all of her souvenirs she got in the philippines, and just talked about her time in the philippines and what happened when she was gone. Today has literally been the best day of this really long break. 

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