Entry #10


Today was a good day, me and my mom went shopping for my birthday and got a couple other things. I still try and keep 6 feet away. My schedule hasn’t really changed cause it is basically just quarantine and chill. It hasn’t really changed much in another way because during the week my mom has work so there really isn’t a lot to do other then just play basketball at my hoop or play video games. I am still kind of sad cause i don’t get to see my friends, or having to watch what I eat. That is, until my parents tell me some news or they talk about it

My mom is still informing me to watch my hands and what I touch and wash them. Also today I found out some news that a 4j bus driver has gotten corona, and I’m lucky because I don’t ride the bus. Otherwise there is a chance that I might have corona. Also that the coronavirus is in Eugene officially. I can see why Gov. Kate brown is following the steps of Gov. Gavin Newsom (gov. of California) and Jay Inslee (gov. of Washington) because Washington and California have the 1st most and 3rd most confirmed cases of coronavirus. So I see why Kate Brown has been following their steps because they have a lot of confirmed cases. So as always take the extra effort to wash your hands and watch who you touch and stay safe and stay inside and make you and your family safe and corona-free.

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