Entry #9


Well today was a really great day my brother, was here so I got to hangout with him today and my whole family which was pretty fun. We also found out that my sister is going to get home tomorrow really late which is really exciting. Today me and my family, more like me and my siblings, played a lot of games. We also went and bought some poster paper so that we could make some really cringing posters for when my sister gets off the plane. My family and I are trying to decide if we should bring my dog to the airport when we go pick up my sister because she was always the dog’s favorite and she loved him so much they had a special connection. I sort of ignored some of my friends today, which I honestly feel bad about but I wanted to spend time with my family. Anyway today overall was a really good day. Oh ya and I that we are going to be doing some type of online school which I’m honestly really excited for because it will be something to do. Also I heard that a 4j bus driver got the corona so now the corona is officially in Eugene……..so that’s just great, but luckily it wasn’t my bus driver or else I might have gotten the corona.

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