
Homework Reading Help

Some of you may benefit from having the science text read to you. This option is available to all students. Here is a link IQWST student Portal: that can also be found on the SN tab above. Your login credentials are your 4j username (first initial, last name, and 2 digits) and the password is your 6 digit student ID or lunch number. If you have any difficulty accessing the page please see me. Once you get to the IQWST IDE navigate to our current unit (Introduction to Chemistry 3) select the student lessons tab in the upper left and look for the assigned reading in the drop-down menu. In the upper right-hand corner, there is a play button which will allow you to have the reading read aloud (by a human). Please try to do as much marking the text as possible if you use this function.  Marking the text means underlining the main idea or ideas in each paragraph and circling key science words. Sometimes I will also assign margin notes. A margin note is your interpretation of what the main gist of the paragraph is. I am attaching an example of a marked paragraph below. Please ask for help if you need further instruction. Thanks! Ms. Hohenemser


Welcome Class of 2024!

Hello 8th grade science students,

I am looking forward to the coming weeks and months when we will get to know each other better and will and learn and grow together. 8th grade year is a really significant one in my experience because you are on the threshold of High School. 8th grade is a time to develop and hone your “student skills” including time management, organization, critical thinking, reading and writing. Next year as a ninth grader you will also work on these skills but the stakes will be higher. The transcript (grade report) that colleges and potential employers look at starts in the fall of the ninth grade year… so I see 8th grade as the perfect opportunity to dig in and start to see yourself as a scholar on your way to a career of your dreams. My job as your 8th grade teacher is to challenge you, give you feedback and offer support when needed. I encourage you to develop relationships with all your teachers and one of the best ways to do that is to come to office hours to work with them one on one or in small groups. There is an office hours tab at the top to see when I am available to meet with you. I look forward to a great start to the year. Feel free to contact me at any time via email at or just stop by when you have a question.

Ms Julie Hohenemser


Climate Change Game Project

The Project:

During the last week of school, we will be creating a climate change project. We will spend two and a half days researching using iPads and the resources below. Each student in your group of four will be given a different essential question to research using videos and readings. Each student will complete C-notes about their essential question (each on a different piece of paper). After meeting with a group of students with the same question as you, you will present your findings to your group (who have different questions). With a basic understanding of Climate Change, it’s causes, consequences, and solutions, you will be ready to design your project.

Essential Questions for C-notes:

#1 How are CO2 and other greenhouse gases changing the atmosphere through the greenhouse effect which is causing average global temperatures on our planet to increase leading to climate change?

#2 What human activities are the main contributors of CO2 and other greenhouse gases that lead to increased global temperatures causing climate changes? (keywords: carbon footprint, pollution, transportation, fossil fuels, industry)

#3 What are some ways that humans can reduce the impact of Climate Change through individual behavioral changes, technological solutions, alternative energy development, transportation solutions, and global climate pacts? (key ideas: wind, solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, Electric Vehicles, mass transit, human-powered transportation, carbon-neutral cities)

#4 What are some effects of climate change that are currently occurring or are predicted for the future if global societies continue to produce CO2 and greenhouse gases at the level we are today? (key ideas: severe storms, sea level rises, acidification of oceans, forest destruction by insects, drought, flooding, high temperatures, more precipitation, melting ice sheets, loss of habitats, extinctions)


The Project:

You will use the information you learn on Monday Tuesday and Wednesday to design a board game about climate change that displays your learning. You can model it after an existing game that is competitive or cooperative or use your creativity to come up with something new. We will do some brainstorming as a class before you begin. eg: your money could be in the form of Carbon Credits or Debits, money or CO2 molecules, Maybe you model it after the game Sorry where you may need to go back spaces for unfortunate events, or you could create a collaborative game like Pandemic where the whole team works together to avert a Climate Crisis but when you get certain cards or land on certain spaces you have to increase the temperature on a thermometer. Be creative, but be sure to show what you have learned as a group as well.

Reading Resources:

What is Climate? Question 1 (good intro)

What is the greenhouse effect? Question 1

Climate Science for Kids Question 1

How people affect Climate. Question 2 (good intro)

Climate Change Contributions Question 2

Sources of Greenhouse Gases Question 2

Solutions Question 3 (good intro)

What you can do EPA Question 3

Consequences of rapid climate change.  Question 4 (good intro)

What is already happening  EPA archive Question 4

Consequences of Climate Change (Environmental Defense Fund)Question 4

Climate Change Indicators EPA Question 4

Other General Resources (with sections on all questions)

Global Warming 101 (Natural Resources Defense Council NRDC)

Climate Change 101 (Climate Reality Project)

Climate Change Archives 2017  Environmental Protection Agency

Climate Basics for Kids   Center for Climate and Energy Solutions


Video Resources

All Questions

Climate Science What You Need to Know 6 minutes

Climate Change 101 with Bill Nye

Question 1 What is Climate Change (all general resources above have info too)

Climate Science in a nutshell

What is Carbon Dioxide? Fossil Fuels Carbon Cycle

Question 2: Human Activities

Causes & Effects National Geographic

NASA human activities

Question 3 Solutions

Top Ten Energy Sources for Future  13 minutes

 Solutions Transportation  18 minute

 Renewable Energy Facts

Dubai sustainable city

Question 4 Probable impacts

Global Warming vs Climate Change (5 years old)data/math 

Impacts of sea level rise (artists rendition)

Hank Green: What people get wrong about Climate Change Hurricanes/storms

What will likely happen with a 2-degree increase?

Youth Activists

Call Me Hannah

How Kids Make a Difference

Greta Thunberg are we running out of time?



Materials for Game:

You will be provided with a 1/4 of a piece of poster board, any number of card stock cards you might need, dice and some plastic pieces or math markers. Let me know if you need anything else, or bring what you need from home


Solar Car Challenge 2019

Here are some resources you can use as you design, build and test your solar car.


Introductory Video

Installing Bearings

Filing Steel Axles

Gears Part 1

Install and Check Speed Car Switch


Getting Started: (Thank you to Dustin Dawson from Kelly Middle School who put together these sheets and videos). Please open in notability and answer the questions with your group as assigned in class.

What is the Chassis?

 Axles, Bearings and Wheels

Gear Ratios

After the Roll Down Test

What if car turns?

Once you have attached the motor and are testing in the hall

Motor, Batteries and Solar Panel

Common Solar Car Problems

Other Resources and Videos

Getting Ready for the Solar Challenge:

Inspection Criteria and Possible Interview Questions


Case of the Peppered Moth


U of O science Fair April 13 2019

Interested students should attend a lunchtime workshop on 2/19 in the CYMS library to find out more. Resources are listed in the video below. Get some ideas for your science fair project at the SPICE website   and the  science buddies website


Plate Boundary Types


A Convection Model for Earth’s Mantle?


Building and Analyzing Earth’s Plate Models L. 3

Plate models: About 17 earth plates come in different shapes and sizes, cover the whole earth, are made of continental and oceanic crust, move,

Check out this article for more details on individual plates

Packet on continental Drift



Pangaea to present day