Category Archives: Uncategorized

Sample Punnet Square 4.24

For extra credit, Can you figure out a way using a Punnet Square that the daughter could look like her mom if they were both hairless and the dad had hair? Most of you answered that the mom must have the dominant allele but that is not necessarily the case. We went over this during […]

Sample Meiosis C-notes for 4.23 (Thanks NN and MH)


Sample Pedigree for 4.21

 Notice the horizontal line between the parents. Mom (circle) is colored in because she is a PTC taster. Dad (square) not colored in, and doesn’t taste PTC. There is one vertical line going from parents to the horizontal line for the offspring. The five children 3 females and 2 males. Only on female and 1 […]

Venn Diagram Sample 4.14.20

This got deleted. Sorry things are out of order. Thank You Shiloh!

Pollination Videos scroll down for student work

Check out these awesome pollination and flower images

Flower Photos for 4.15.20 assignment

If you can’t find your own flower to dissect this week you can use these images that I took at Hendrick’s Park and create your drawings from these.

Optional Video on the Science of Corona Virus

How Coronavirus Attacks the Body from the New York Times Remember our studies from IC3 that the body needs oxygen in order to be able to do a chemical reaction called Cellular Respiration (Glucose + Oxygen -> Water + CO2) so that we can use the food we eat for energy to do all the […]

Video from Part 1 that didn’t work for some of you.

How to join Zoom Office Hours