Sheldon Science Pre-Test

Dear 8th Grade Students and Families:


As you may have heard the Eugene 4J High Schools are adopting a new science curriculum and sequence beginning during the 2017-2018 school year. In the sequence almost all freshman will be taking a new Physical Science course that includes both introductory Physics and introductory Chemistry. This freshman course covers many topics that have not been addressed in middle school. With this new sequence, there is a new process for students to bypass freshman science by taking a pre-test that covers high school physics and chemistry topics. We will be giving this placement test to all students the week of June 12 and sending the tests to Sheldon for grading. Sheldon will give us information regarding  student’s science placement during the week of June 19th and we will notify parents of students who will be invited to start with either chemistry or biology during their freshman year. Schedules will be changed over the summer for students who qualify for bypassing the freshman course. We have provided a study guide for students who are interested in studying to prepare for the test. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Ms Hohenemser & Ms Ruzicka

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