Monthly Archives: January 2014

Test on Lessons 11-18 coming soon on 2.3 & 2.4

We will be having our second major unit test which will cover lessons 11-18. You will be receiving a review sheet in class on Thursday and will have most of the period to work on it. Plan to finish it Thursday night and we will be going over it on Friday. One day of the […]

Vocabulary for Quiz POM 11_15

Residue: The substance left in filter paper Heterogeneous mixture: A mixture that is not well mixed Solubility: A measure of the number of grams of solute that can dissolve in a liter of a certain solvent Solvent: The substance into which a solute dissolves Soluble: Able to dissolve Filtrate: The part of a mixture that […]

Solutions Song

Every Day Objects Keynote Due 1.10.14

Please see the previous post for necessary links to the Every Day Objects Project details. The Every Day Objects project is a large part of your grade this term. It is important that you read all the directions and confirm that you have completed all the necessary parts before turning the project in through your […]