I have posted new grades for second term. They include lessons 15-17 and your first participation score. Please check your grades and make sure that you have all work completed to the best of your ability. We will be having our second major test of the year this Thursday and Friday 12.13 and 12.14. There will be a multiple choice part and a hands on assessment. The focus will be on lessons 11-18, but you also need to know the basics from the first 9 lessons as well.
Things you should study:
Your completed Review Sheet that I will hand out on Tuesday, 12.11
Here is the Review Sheet with answers!
Characteristic Properties of matter: know what they are
Separation Techniques: What are they and how to do them
Vocabulary from the last quiz and any others that are on the white board
I am available to help you get caught up or study for the test all mornings this week. No need to make an appointment. Chec my office hours link at the top of the page for details.
That’s all for now:)
Ms H