Extra Credit Options

RE-DO ANCHOR ACTIVITY: Many students have low grades due to late work/incomplete work on anchor activities and work samples. I am offering students the option to create a new anchor project (no tri-folds please) on a new topic of their choosing. You can earn up to 25 points towards your anchor project grade.

COMPOSTING : As an alternative to another anchor activity, you can do a research report in the form of a poster/cube/powerpoint/brochure/video on composting. Some of us at Cal Young are trying to educate staff and students about the benefits of composting for the garden and for landfills and we could use your help. Some topics to focus on are the science of compost, the benefits to the garden of compost, the amount of waste that can be diverted from landfills. Projects should be informative, decorative and accurate to receive the maximum number of points available. Please speak with me or e-mail me with questions. Here are some websites to start your research. Oregon DEQ,  How to Compost, EPA website

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