Dear Students,
I wanted to let you know the reason for my extended absence last week and for the first few days of this coming week. Last Monday, my dad became very ill with an infection that spread throughout his body. I stayed him in the Intensive Care Unit at Riverbend Hospital for several days and nights. He tried his hardest to fight it, but was too weak. He died on 11.11.11 after 24 years of suffering from a disease called Multiple Sclerosis. He was an amazing man in many ways. Some of his favorite things were nature, music and building things. He was a physics professor at Clark University in Massachusetts where I grew up. He also worked for peace, and the environment. I will miss him very much. I appreciate you being respectful to my guest teachers during my absence.
See you soon,
Ms Hohenemser
Here is a picture of my dad from about 10 years ago at Cape Perpetua on the Oregon Coast