We are beginning to work on a research project about every day objects. It is called an anchor activity, because it anchors what we are learning in class in the properties of matter unit to an every day object. The final project is due December 6th. Each student will research an everyday object from a Properties of Matter viewpoint by finding out about materials that make up your object, what properties the materials have and why each of material is chosen for your object, the raw materials that are processed to manufacture your object, as well as the history of your object. Your findings will be presented in one of four product choices: a 6 sided brochure, a 6 sided 3-D cube (directions are in your SN), a power point presentation or a poster. I have samples in the classroom if you need inspiration.
Here is a link to all the details about the Anchor Activity project. Sam, our librarian, has gathered up some incredible resources for you to use and placed them all at this link Every Day Objects Resources. There are also some books on every day objects in the classroom. From the resources link you can also access the Encyclopedia Britannica through the Eugene Public Library as well as articles and videos on hundreds of objects. There are more details about this project in your POM book in lesson 10. Chose an object that you will find interesting and get started today!