Breakfast of Champions Themes [UPDATED]

Here are the tentative themes for the remaining Breakfasts of Champions. Tentative because we are open to suggestions if you have a good one!

  • 11/30 – Always engaged (stays focused, participates in class, etc.)
  • 1/30 – Exceeds expectations (regularly goes above and beyond expectations on classwork)
  • 2/27 – Always looking out for others
  • 3/23 – Eternal optimist (looks on the bright side of things, brings positive energy into the classroom)
  • 4/30 – Greatest growth (academically and otherwise)
  • 5/31 – Strong finish

Breakfast of Champions – October Theme

October’s Breakfast of Champions has been rescheduled for Monday the 30th. The theme is: always prepared. Please nominate students under the October tab here:

I spoke with a few students and parents who had good things to say about last Friday’s Breakfast of Champions. A little recognition goes a long way in the lives of young people. Have you all heard anything from the students you nominated? Would love to hear some feedback. 

Also, if you have a spare five or ten minutes, please try to show your face at the event. This means a lot to the kiddos too.

Breakfast of Champions

At the end of each month, we’ll be holding a Breakfast of Champions for students who meet a certain themed criteria. Teachers will select one student from their class to participate in the Breakfast of Champions along with their parents/guardians for a special morning celebration. This month the theme is: Strong School Start.

Keep this in the back of your minds for now. More info to come.

Dates: 9/29  > 10/30 > 1/31 > 2/27 > 3/23 > 4/30 > 5/31