Homeroom Week of November 19th

This week’s courtyard cleanup homeroom is Mr. Davis’s class.  If you have not signed up, please sign up HERE.  

The next Breakfast of Champions is Thursday, November 29th.  The theme is “Eternal Optimist”

***The links to the google forms will be emailed to students on Friday***

Week of November 19 Materials    
WordGenWeekly None    
Strategy None    
Monday Being thankful https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ZtN0Q26u08L5YKNlOTnl93uOYn5aTRaYQek6Na6fK8A/edit?usp=sharing https://goo.gl/forms/sfNHRTMkH8hSpJgp2
Tuesday https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1cqBR0ghuqiNGJ6XMNuU2tKX1knMgRnYDeaoKV7Pmh6I/edit?usp=sharing    
Wednesday https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1wfMGzqEy20AKZBLFiEL6mo5TUYDV_jdT_pyJsdAee8o/edit?usp=sharing https://goo.gl/forms/DLatcL59FQLhkMaY2  
Thursday No School    






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