PBIS 4/30-5/4

This Tuesday morning, Dana will provide materials for you to do forecasting with your students. This will be in place of the normal Behavior Expectations Review. And, by the way, a big thanks to Barb and her students for a super informative series of lessons over the last week and a half. 
May Breakfast of Champions:
May’s Breakfast of Champions will be held on Thursday, 5/31 from 8:15-8:45am. The theme is Greatest Growth – academically, behaviorally or otherwise. Please nominate students under the May tab here: https://goo.gl/68t4B7.
Golden Plunger Winner:
Mr. Wade’s 6th period classroom wins this month’s Golden Plunger! Please let me know when you’d like to have a pizza party and we’ll get that arranged.
Courtyard Cleanup
Mrs. Hohenemser’s homeroom is up next for courtyard cleanup. If needed, there are cleaning tools next to the drinking fountain in the cafeteria.
5/3 Article:
This week’s article is: Should the Washington Redskins change their name? (see attached). Next week, we’ll read an article on sex education (2.03). Please review the article via the link on this page.

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