4/2-4/6 PBIS

4/3 Behavior Expectations Review
Tuesday‘s slideshow is the works here: https://goo.gl/RFidrr. We will be discussing diversity over the next few weeks, including issues around race, ethnicity, SES and the LGBTQ community. This week will be a broad overview of the concept of diversity. Please let me know if you have any ideas!
Courtyard Cleanup
Mr. Bliss’s homeroom is up next for courtyard cleanup (If Mr. Bliss has a homeroom; otherwise, it’s Ms. Cockram. Can anyone confirm this?). If needed, there are cleaning tools next to the drinking fountain in the cafeteria. 
4/5 Article:
This week’s article is: Should the US have stricter gun regulations? (see attached). Please have a look and let me know if you have any reservations about this article. Otherwise, I will print hardcopies and make them available next to the boxes Monday afternoon. A list of Trimester 3’s articles can be found here.
Breakfast of Champions Nominations:
April’s Breakfast of Champions is slated for the 4/20 from 8:15-8:45am. The theme is a carryover from last month, Eternal Optimist. These are the students who always look on the bright side of things and bring positive energy into the classroom. Please nominate students under the April tab here: https://goo.gl/68t4B7

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