Jan. 8 – 13 (Greenhouse Effect, Scientific Explanations)

Wednesday, Jan. 8

Unit Essential Question: How does human energy use affect global climate, and what can we do to reduce our impact?

Daily Essential Question: How does visible light and infrared light interact with CO2?


The Greenhouse Effect

  • Greenhouse Effect Simulation (Questions 13-17)
  • Explanation/Review/Notes (slide show “Climate Change -The Greenhouse Effect” (slides #1 -21), found on Google Classroom)


HW:   Create a drawn model of the greenhouse effect (As a template, use slide #21 from Climate Change -The Greenhouse Effect, found on Google Classroom)


Thursday, Jan. 9

Unit Essential Question: How does human energy use affect global climate, and what can we do to reduce our impact?

Daily Essential Question: Describe the interactions between the two types of light and the five gas molecules involved in the Greenhouse Effect.


Activity 3.2 – The Greenhouse Effect (cont’d)

  • Review Model
  • Write a detailed description of the process of the Greenhouse Effect that includes the two types of light and the five gas molecules.


Activity 3.3 – Scientific Explanation – Relationships Between Earth Systems

  • Writing a Scientific Explanation Notes


Friday, Jan. 10

Unit Essential Question: How does human energy use affect global climate, and what can we do to reduce our impact?

Daily Essential Question:  What are the characteristics of a well written scientific explanation?


Quiz 1.3 – Greenhouse Effect


Activity 3.3 – Scientific Explanation – Relationships Between Earth Systems

  • Writing a Scientific Explanation Notes
  • Relationships Between Earth’s Systems


HW: None


Monday, Jan. 13

Unit Essential Question: How does human energy use affect global climate, and what can we do to reduce our impact?

Daily Essential Question:  What are the relationships between the four global systems?

Quiz Return/Review

Activity 3.3 – Scientific Explanation – Relationships Between Earth Systems

  • Writing a Scientific Explanation about the Relationships Between four of Earth’s Systems
    • Thesis 
    • Claim
  • Create graph for Arctic Sea Ice on Google Sheets

HW: None

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