Monday, January 20, 2020


No School–Martin Luther King Jr. Day

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Friday, January 17, 2020

  1. Warm-up(week 14)—Friday Figurative Language
    • Collect
  2. No Red Ink–MLA Citation I & Embedding Quotes #1
  3. Chapter 3 Vocabulary Quiz #1
  4. Chapter 3 Vocabulary–Part II
    • Make flashcards/Quizlet/etc.
    • Quiz on Thursday, January 30th 

**Naviance Project III due Wednesday, March 11th **


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Thursday, January 16, 2020

  1. Warm-up(week 13)—Thursday Thoughts
  2. Citation Lesson w/Debbie
  3. Notebook Writing_ An Unexpected Hit

**Naviance Project III due Wednesday, March 11th **

HOMEWORK: Study for Chapter 3 Vocabulary #1 Quiz

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Wednesday, January 15, 2020

  1. Warm-up(week 14)—Wednesday Wise Words
    • What is the meaning of the following quote? Do you agree? How does it relate to your life or the world?  Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.– Martin Luther King Jr.
  2. No Red InkCommonly Confused Words Growth Quiz
    • MLA Citation I & Embedding Quotes Diagnostic
  3. Methods of Development—Methods of Development–Cause_effect

**Naviance Project III due Wednesday, March 11th **

HOMEWORK: Finish, K-Pop article

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Tuesday, January 14, 2020


1.Warm-up(week 14)—Tuesday Terms

2.Timed Write

**Naviance Project III due Wednesday, March 11th **

HOMEWORK: No Red Ink Growth Quiz tomorrow and Rhetorical Precis #4 due Thursday.

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Monday, January 13, 2020

  1. Warm-up(week 14)—Monday Mistakes
  2. No Red Ink—Commonly Confused Words #5
  3. Fallacies Quiz
  4. Read pgs 120-135 & take notes (Lit & Comp)

**Naviance Project III due Wednesday, March 11th **

HOMEWORK: No Red Ink Growth Quiz on Wednesday! Rhetorical Precis #4 dueThursday.

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Friday, January 10, 2020

  1. Warm-up(week 13)—Friday Figurative Language
    •  Collect
  2. How To Format a Works Cited Page w/Ms. Levy
  3. Chapter 3 Vocabulary–Part I
    • Make Flashcards/Quizlet/etc.
    • Test on Friday, January 17th

**Naviance Project III due Wednesday, March 11th**

HOMEWORK: No Red Ink Growth Quiz on Monday!!

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Thursday, January 9, 2020

  1. Warm-up(week 13)—Thursday Thoughts
    • Click on the link to watch a video clip. Respond in writing by providing your thoughts on the following question: Would you ever consider getting a tattoo? If yes, what would you get? If no, why not?
  2. Timed Write

**Naviance Project III due Wednesday, March 11th **

HOMEWORK: Read, Ch. 3 pgs. 101-119 & take notes.

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Wednesday, January 8, 2020

  1. Warm-up(week 13)—Wednesday Wise Words
    • What is the meaning of the following quote? Do you agree? How does it relate to your life or the world? There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature.– Jane Austen
  2. No Red Ink—Commonly Confused Words #4
  3. Fallacies Stations

**Naviance Project III due Wednesday, March 11th **

HOMEWORK: Read, gladwell-small-change & Rhetorical Precis #3 due tomorrow!

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Tuesday, January 7, 2020

  1. Warm-up(week 13)—Monday Mistakes & Tuesday Terms
  2. One Word Project
  3. Read & Take Notes on Ch. 3 pgs. 81-101 in your Language of Composition books

Naviance Project III due Wednesday, March 11th **

HOMEWORK: Rhetorical Precis #3 due Thursday!!!

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