November 14, 2019


Filed under: Lyric — porduno18 @ 7:43 pm


Eyes blue like the lake by my home,        

Eyes bright like the sun on a beautiful day, 

Skin kissed by that very same sun, slow,

Slow like this lifetime


Now let’s forget about our responsibilities,

And let’s go out under the sky.

Let’s count stars, let’s count the clouds,

And hold each other while we still can. 


Smile that’ll take your breath away,

Sweet kisses, so addictive, that you’ll crave. 

When you miss them, again, tonight. 

As you lay there craving their touch. 


Now let’s ignore the responsibilities 

And let’s go out on the town tonight 

Lets count our steps, let’s count the songs

And hold each other, as we dance.


Lips soft as rose petals, smooth and addictive 

Hands calloused, rough and hard working,

Causing goosebumps along the trail you trace.

But nothing will compare to the love you give me. 

Your heart and soul are bright, 

Like a thousand galaxies. 

I can’t wait for you tonight. 

So let us stay like this, souls intertwined

Warm and content, 

Now my cravings are satisfied 

And tonight will last forever. 

« The End   Eugene »

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