Brand Awareness Assignment
Description: Part 1 (Separate “Page”): Research logo design in the following areas – find examples of logos and pick one for each area; show the logo, the organization/company name, and when it founded and its location. Non-profit arts, K-20 Education/school logos, Consumer goods, Entertainment, and Technology.
Location: London, England
Founded:June 6, 1844
K-20 Education/school logo: Parkway South High
Location: Manchester, Missouri
Consumer Goods: Forever 21
Location: The United States
Founded: 1981
Entertainment: Disney
Location: Kansas City, Missouri
Technology: Apple
Founded: 1976
Location: Cupertino, California
Reflections: This project was not very hard, but I had trouble with the scrolling. The logos were really easy to find since I see them most every day. this project was fun, and I’m looking forward to part two.