Archive for the '3D Design To Build' Category

Life-like creature

    Students will create 2 “creatures” using the 123d Creature App as an introduction to designing with the intent to print on a 3D printer. Students are expected to follow basic tutorial steps to learn Creature design basics – this includes making a basic creature form, sculpting, baking, and then painting their creature using […]

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The Vase

Build your 3D Sketchup Skills with the Vase Exercise below: Extra Credit Here is my beautiful vase Reflection: This was actually pretty easy to make. After I watched the video I totally understood how to do it, and I think I did it pretty well. The only thing I don’t like about it is how […]

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Weekly Update #3

This week I completed the bowl, the chair and the vase. The vase was surprisingly easy. I actually had more trouble trying to figure out the bowl than the vase. I had actually completed the bowl and the chair before winter break, but I didn’t take enough pictures for either of them, so I had […]

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Dome In Sketch Up

Students will do the two Sketchup tutorials as a warm-up to working in 123d Design and a 3D design environment. Students will used their assigned computers and Sketchup to produce two simple 3D objects from tutorials linked below. They can also do an extra credit tutorial for additional practice and points. Students will take screen […]

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Weekly Update #2

This week was very successful for me. I learned how to do like nine million things this week. I look forward to the next project which is the chair. I have actually used Sketch Up before, so I know how to use most of the tools.

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