M.A. Hochberg’s Technology for Teaching

Making technology easier for people

Avervision 130 to computer fixes

We had some problems with the older Aversion document cameras communicating with the laptops. Everything is now working & here is what I discovered.

  1. Most of the buttons, including the power button, on the camera freeze when the USB cord is plugged it. It is a known problem according to Avervision. The USB cable is needed transfer files from the document camera to the laptop. That includes viewing live images from the document camera on the laptop.
  2. Don’t upgrade to Leopard 10.5.6. As of today, 3/5/09, Avervision software is not compatible with it.
  3. Simply trashing the Avervision software does not completely uninstall the program. I deleted all files that had “Aver” in the name in the locations below.
    From their support site:
    1) Trash the previous version of VisionAP software
    2) Trash AVerDig.component from Main Library/Quicktime
    3) Trash AVerDig.pkg from Main Library/Receipts
    4) Reinstall the update version again
  4. Directions to using the software are on pages 3-5 of the installation manual. http://www.aver.com/presentation/downloads/avervision_installationguide_mac_083106.pdf

2 Responses to “Avervision 130 to computer fixes”

  1. Dave Says:

    Thanks Mary! I’ve been fighting with Avervision software forever. For a company that sells “cutting edge” technology to teachers, they sure have a lot of work to do, making the software experience more pleasurable. I appreciate the advice, and hope it will work to solve my problems. I’ll let you know!

  2. Mary Says:

    Keep me posted on your progress, Dave. Having to plug & unplug the USB cable into the Avervision 130 is a nuisance.

    Luckily, there are only a few programs that require a special uninstall. Too bad Avervision and SmartBoard are two of them!

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