School-friendly Public Domain Clip Art
Next year, we will begin using Pages as our primary word processor for students. While it has a lot of fun and useful features, one thing that it lacks is clip art. You can search the web for clip art but here is a school friendly collection of clean, clear, and very printable line art.
Back in the early 1990’s, a collection of public domain clip art was created at Benson Polytechnic High School. For the next two weeks, the collection, called Yukon, is available for download at
Scroll to the bottom of the page and download the two zip files. One contains the image files and the other contains a catalog of all the images.
This isn’t as easy to use as a built-in collection of clip art but it does save a lot of student time. When used, students will need to be mask (crop) the clip art as there are several images in each file. On the plus side, these are all line art or half tones and they will print very well on a black & white laser printer.
I will be adding these files to media folder on our student’s computers.
Thanks to Jonathan Gilbert and his fellow high school students for creating and sharing this resource.
Thanks to Richard Adams of Pleasant Hill School District for updating the files and making them available.