Friday, September 27th

September 27, 2013

9th Grade (Section 13)

We assembled and turned in our note assignment. If you were out grab an orange 1/2 sheet from box and follow the directions. After a quick vocabulary review and quiz reminder, we looked at a poem entitled “Passport Photo”. We discussed form as well as identified the following: stanzas, enjambment, simile, metaphor, alliteration and symbol. Please define these and annotate them on the poem.

Finally, we used the poem’s meaning to transition into out unit’s final writing assignment- a “Philosophy of Travel”. Please pick this important form up in the box.

HOMEWORK/Reminders: Quiz on Monday and Rough draft also due Monday. Final due on Thursday, October 3rd.


11th grade LOTA: Today we studied the art of Oral Story Telling. After a journal/discussion on storytelling we watched  the following clip :

We read, as a class “We Are Ugly, But We Are Here” and discussed the concept of duality in the story as well as the importance of the authors Grandmother’s connection to stories. We focused our discussion about the philosophy of tradition. After I told a unique story connecting my ancestry to a personal story- groups split off and each practiced the art of storytelling- we will share the top ones next class.

Homework: Complete Portfolio #4- Have Venn Diagram 100% competed for next class.


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