Wednesday, September 25th

September 25, 2013

9th Grade- Section 12: After we shared and turned in setting postcards, we completed a writing pretest. If you were out please make sure you find the blue sheet in the 9th grade bin. This is just a pretest and counts for participation points only. We began “The Adventures of Mega Chicken” taking notes on questions and predictions.

HOMEWORK: Complete story.

9th Grade- Section 13: Today we discussed “Adventures of Mega Chicken” and the questions that were posed. We went over the plot summary and identified sections the correlated to plot (into, rising action, climax, falling action, and denouement). We also discussed the idea of if we need to actually leave our comfort zone to meet our “stalwart alter ego”. We prepared for our vocabulary quiz and I handed out a study guide (purple). If you were out get this guide and complete as needed- be sure to turn in stories for assessment.

HOMEWORK: Study for Vocabulary Quiz- Quiz on Monday

11th Grade LOTA: AS a class we read and analyzed “Queens” on page 7. We followed the recipe of content+form/style= meaning. Please complete analysis on poem and share findings with me if you missed class. After, I handed out a Venn Diagram, a Portfolio #5 1/2 sheet and a Portfolio #5 Assignment 1/2 sheet. Get these in the bin! The Diagram is worth 15 points and must be accompanied with 2 sample thesis statements. We worked on this for the rest of class.

HOMEWORK: Complete Venn Diagram and Begin (and perhaps finish!) Portfolio #5

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