Tuesday, September 24th

September 24, 2013

9th Grade Lit (Section 13)

We shared and turned in our setting postcards. Students then began an in-class writing pre-test centered around formal writing. Students wrote a paragraph using a thesis, in text support, and details. PLease see me for this blue handout.  After, we reviewed vocabulary and began our final story of our travel unit “The Adventures of Mega Chicken”.

HOMEWORK: Complete story. Focus notes on  putting our note mini lessons together (making connections, paraphrasing, annotating sensory detail and literary devices, and finally..asking good questions).


11th Grade IB Lit: Today we began by brainstorming stereotypes of Native Americans. We discussed how these stereotypes have been wide spread throughout movies, especially Westerns. We read a poem entitled “Sure You Can Ask Me a Personal Question”. Small groups examined the poem according to content/form and style/ and meaning concluding that the speaker is using sarcasm to convey a deeper message. We also noted the use of enjambment and anaphora contributing to the speaker’s fatigue. After- the class discussed “I Hated Tonto (Still Do)” and analyzed accordingly. We focused again on reality/comic contributions to sarcasm- and as always to the form of the piece. We watched two clips and further discussed overall message.



HW: Read “The America I Love” page 83-84

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