Emily Hourigan

Author's posts

The Good Times

All the memories. The times we wish would come back, But it wouldn’t be the same.


The frigid air weaves through her hair She feels so bare As the cold nips at her skin Just like it’s always been When she doesn’t notice this it’s rare It’s almost a scare She usually feels pins But when she doesn’t somethings wrong within


Betrayal consumes her. There’s nothing left but the dark void; The void where she use to exist; Where she use to thrive, That was before her walls came crashing down. The bricks hit every important part of her,  Smashing them to dust, Never to be seen again And leaving her with nothing.

Just Tell Me Why

I should’ve been use to the yelling and slamming by then, but It all still trembled in my ears. Ever since mom left when I was eight, to the day I didn’t come home, he was always yelling. I was getting ready for the party as he stormed into my room, screaming at me and …

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The Very Unfortunate Family Vacation

It was the summer of 2018. My family and I were on our way back from the annual trip to the Rusian River in California, and we had a great time with barely any hiccups. We decided to stay at my Nana’s for the night, who lived in Santa Rosa. There was a water park …

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