TA for Broad cast midia :> #5 $$$$$$$$$

i am swaglord 100, level 110 on world of warcraft, i am really good at it, i think that im swag. i only use old spice odor blocker, because its for cool people and im a cool people.

Weekly update #3

This week I helped people.

Weekly update #3

This week we have been like doing stuff, and helping stuff, and its fun. This weekend I have a football game up in washington, but with my leg I might not be playing.

Wekly oopdate 2

This week I helped people. And it was fun, I love helping people. Makes my belly tingle.


In some days, i like to eat all the time

PSA Top Picks

1.Cyber Bullying

2.Drug Addiction

3.Sexual Health

4.Body Acceptance

5.Emotional/Depression Disorder.


Edit: Mr.Schifferonie told me to choose three. I chose Cyber Bullying, and Drug Addiction, and Emotion/Depression Disorder, out of all of these, I have decided to choose for my top PSA, Drug Addiction.

Weekly Update Dos

This week I finished my top PSA, and my top 10 PSA list. It was so much fun, it was great oh my goodness wow so much fun yes. I had practice on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Next week we are playing South Eugene.

TA weekly update 1

Hi. I am TA’ing for this class, its a lot of fun. Lots of working with other people, which sometimes can be a challenge. I enjoy looking over and seeing people help others. This weekend im going to Bend, its good because food, lots of food. MMM food.

Weekly Update -1

This week in Broadcast Media, we worked on finding 10 PSA’s under different genres. Unfortunately we couldn’t find any good PSA’s because of the 4j district restricting the youtube browser. Which unfortunately causes a lot of very good PSA’s to be restricted off our view. This weekend I’m heading up to Bend for fun. Yay, so much fun in Bend. It’s great. I love Bend. So much good food, I love it.

Weekly Update #11

This week we had to finish our film and editing, and we had to upload the stuff to our vlog and vimeo.

Weekly Update #6

This week I almost finished my extended flash animation, and I am going to then work on doing some stop motion after the 3 day weekend.

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