









Checkpoint #1


As of 4/15/15 our group has completed the storyboard, the Script and the storyboard. We are also currently working on desginging the creatures for our film. I was helping write with the Elevator Speech and the Script. I did miss a few days after we did start the Script, but we ended up finishing it. Everyone in the group was working on the script and the elvator speech at the same time, we all had a throw in each of them. Then my team started to make the creatures for our film, I started working on a backround, and experimented with the iMotion app. I will also be working on editing the entire film at the end of the filiming proccesses. The final output I hope for our film will be a completed nice smooth animation. 🙂


Checkpoint #2 As of 4/30/15, we have moved to a new group (Me and Henri have) We are currently waiting to start filiming once all of our props are created ,and then we will start filming and then we will be working on editing. We are just hopping into this group mid way and we are hoping we can be a big factor towards Matthews production.  Matthews production is about a monster who goes on a trip to the beach and parties.



Checkpoint #3 As of 5/20/15, we are are going to finally finish our ‘rough draft’ FINAL draft! We have completed finishing up our spaceship, and we are going to finally get this production wrapped up and into the editing phase.  We just need to finish the final fight scene. I am going to be helping out finally with the positioning and the editing process.


Checkpoint #4 5/27/15, we are finally going to finish editing, and then we should be done. I am going to be finishing up editing, and doing a few voiceovers in order to help my group. We all are very glad that we are *finally* done, and we hope we can present it to the class.

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