Mr. Anchondo's Place

Archive forOctober, 2016

Hello! Today we are going to actually vote! Before you vote make sure you “interview” for measures/races you did not research.  Here is the link to our virtual polling place:  Share

Here are our activities for the day!  Go to the Oregon Voter’s Guide and familiarize yourself with the candidates and measures on this year’s ballot:  Complete three of the following “jigsaw reading” of the Oregon Ballot: 2016-oregon-primary-election-analysis Complete one for the Presidential Candidates: Donald Trump (R) and Hillary Clinton (D) Complete a second for a down-ballot race […]

Hello!  It’s the most wonderful time of the year, election season! Today we will look at electoral maps and asking which kind of electoral map best conveys the will of the American people? Here is a link to the powerpoint:  2012-election-maps   Share

Hello!  Today we discussed how climate change is affecting Oceania. Here is a powerpoint to the lecture:  intro-to-climate-change   Homework: Read the “A Natural Experiment in History”  chapter of Guns, Germs, and Steel and complete the following questions. I don’t have a file of these, so please see me if you need a copy.  Share

Hello!   Today we finished the posters, presented on them and began a lecture covering presidents from Jefferson to Monroe. Here’s the powerpoint:   us-potus-jefferson-to-monroe   Homework: Read the Monroe Doctrine and complete the OPCVL. monroedoctirne Share

Hello! Today we continued our discussion on the Constitution by finishing the Plickers questions and beginning posters on the Constitution. Attached are the directions.  constitution-article-posters Share

Hello! Today we start a new unit. And with new units come new responsibilities, expect expectations to increase. We will discuss that more once we get into the nitty-gritty of the unit. But first, the Constitution! Today we discussed the debate at some length and used the website Plickers to check prior knowledge to the […]

Hello! Today we finished up our unit on independence movements! We started with a reading quiz, then finished the Jamaica Letter from a different perspective assignment, and finished with a review of Latin American independence movements. Here it is: review-of-latin-american-revolutions Share

Hello!   Today we discussed the debate and Indigenous People’s Day, took a reading quiz on Brazilian independence, discussed the upcoming test (yikes), and went over the US constitution. Here are the slides from the lecture: constitution   And here are the essay prompts for the test. Remember, there are three here, on the day […]

Hello!   Some housekeeping: Both your transcription and OPCVL of the Declaration of the Independence are DUE, as is Bolivar’s Jamaica Letter. Today we discussed the debate, and, in groups, created a Jamaica Letter from the point of view of a Haitian, Mexican, or Brazilian leader. HOMEWORK: Read 40-47. Reading quiz comparing Brazilian and other […]

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