Extra credit Oregon Counties population data base


Students use Google Search with the search terms Oregon Counties, to find the population of the following Oregon Counties: Douglas, Lincoln, Jackson, Lake, Lane, Linn, and Marion. Students need to set up a database in Excel using the category headers “County” and “Population”, add the data, then choose which type of chart they think best shows the data in chart form (column, pie, etc.). Students must show data value by using the “labels” option from their “Toolbox”.

They then copy and paste the chart to an MS Word file (shown in the example). They need to use standard reporting page set-up with a header, title and indented paragraphs with 1.5-2 line spacing. They must write an introductory paragraph, show the data table, and write a summary paragraph that extrapolates and describes at least 2 pieces of data shown in the table.


Reflection: I think I did very well in this assignment. It wasn’t as hard as I expected. I went on Wikipedia to get the information I got. I’m very proud of all that I’ve don with our data bases.

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