Apollo Briggs

October 6th, 2018


Contact Cement


We shared so many firsts,

I wasn’t ready for lasts.

I sat in the tub and scrubbed away your goodbyes,

hoping to wash it away

so I could meet you again.

I scrubbed until I was raw,

and bandaged myself up.

The wound festered and and formed a cast around my skin,

cementing me to the floor.


I spent hours in a shop, 

crafting a clay mask to cover my own,

but the fire cracked it, from the brow to the snout,

and fell apart in my hand

when I tried to put it on.






This body is not immortal


Half spoken prayers wrap around the foreheads of the misguided,

etching its verses in their temples,

as the crown of thorns pull closer


This body is not immortal


on our hands and knees

we hemorrhage as our stigmatic wounds

bleed our devotion

to a false idol.

Visions of crying saints forever trapped in a mass of clay and pigment,

Helplessly clinging to a pseudo rosary

made of wolfs bone and impiety. 

A foreign tongue chanting prayers embedded from the pews,

mistranslated verses helplessly strewn on the lips of the misguided.


This body is not immortal


Bathing in divine wine and the garden of eden

You close your eyes and succumb to the flesh of a fig

white lilies with crimson spots float within your porcelain bathtub,

The final offering to Dionysus stains the ends of your fingernails,

purple hues running as chains down glowing hands


This body is not immortal


To who do I owe this exquisite devotion? 

To the Moonshine? 

Or the nasty obsession inside me?

The query clings to my shoulders

As crystalline tears curve with my cheek.

A nasty mold festers in my throat,

and swells shut

These damn saints cursed these brittle bones and collapsed lungs.


This body in not immortal


Empty wine glasses hung haphazardly from obscure surfaces with chipped edges,

from our nights together,

velvet glances and pointed smiles,

intoxicated on our hatred towards our history


This body is not immortal


The gift was mine to give.

Anti venom coursing through our overzealous pulse

we tried to throw gasoline to quench the flames.

Dark trenches of a hallway rolls for eternity,

frantically growing and swelling with shadow


This body is not immortal


Blacked out X’s on the back of my hands

to make peace with my red sister who dressed up in the alley behind a cathedral-

A vigilant ambush of moonstone and myrrh,

my promises are lost to a lost messiah.

I ramble to no end and trace past IV scars,

thorns catch and rip but all we could do is watch the world pour.


This body is not immortal


Late night hospital visits and the taste of saline stings my tongue like a hymn

Recalling past restless nights,

shuffling unsteadily home with a dagger half in my arm,

half in my throat.

Dear Mary, the holy mother

these haunted memories will you mend?

Pray for us sinners, now,

and in the time of death. 






Outside my father’s home,

I sat and rested in the road, 

and added the faint encounter inside a dusty tome

and resented this useless father that I’ve been bestowed.


I moped down the road and plunged into the stream

sinking to the bottom, face down

hiding under a rock where the moon couldn’t beam. 

Not worrying whether or not I would drown.


I was jostled awake when the waves pushed me to the riverbed,

and coughed out the stones from my throat,

watching them fall out filled me with dread,

knowing now that I would stay afloat.


A string was cut, connecting me to someone I’ve never know, 

assuring me now that I was truly alone. 







Fog covers the butte

that sits just outside my home,

peaking out at me.


The mountains roll on

like a carpet on a floor.

Just rippling on.


A field of color 

sheds its delicate petals,

landing on my cheeks.


Red and white mushrooms

grow from the side of a log.

May be poisonous.


Rain hits my window.

A soft hum of my rooftop,

luring me to sleep.


How can I leave this

mountainous and peaceful home, 

this place that I love.





False Idols


To those who seek truth,

stay quiet and just observe.

Do not try to preach,

for the truth is in the trees

and is not made to be owned.







I had responsibilities.

“I’m sick.”

“What’s wrong?”

My head snapped,

I had crossed a line, I’d also changed.

He looked at me gravely.

“I’m disappointed in you,

You are not sick, playing hooky.”

I would lose me forever.

I am nothing, no more

I carry my old burdens,

I carry them wherever I go,

It’s impossible to get rid of them. I am fill’d with,

I will fill in denial.

None shall be dear to me.

You paths worn in hollows with unseens existences-

pierced facades

you and iron shells. 



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