Welcome to Ms. Steinbaugh’s Blog!

NO THIRD PROJECT! See Google Classroom for a Weekly Agenda of assignments.
10 Online Learning Project Options 

Tight-rope Walker Group/Solo project: Medieval Japan. Choose either the Golden Age or Samurai. Create a google slide show that teaches about this time period.  You must use at least 3 sources for your slides. Group/Solo project: The Americas – Inca, Aztec and Maya research project. Create a presentation to teach about one of these three civilizations and develop a review game to follow. You must use at least 3 sources. European Renaissance research project: Select a topic to research. You may demonstrate understanding with a research paper, Google Slides presentation, or iMovie. You must use at least 3 sources.
Yoga Develop a virtual field trip that kids would like to take after the quarantine Write a short historical fiction story Historical period or figure Music/Dance Video
Stretch Create a primary document about this time (a journal entry, a video, a poster, a letter, etc.) Family member interview Video or Written Book Talk on a fiction novel


10th option is a self-created project of your choice. (Must be approved by me!)


You will complete one project every three weeks for a total of three projects by the end of the year.


1st Project Due April 30th

2nd Project Due May 21st

3rd Project Due June 9th


All grades will be Pass/Fail (60% and above is a Pass)

70% Completed Projects

30% Participation (SMART Goals, Check-ins, Reflections)

Zoom Etiquette…
1. Be on time.
2. Be as distraction free as possible (I know this is hard!)
3. Mute yourself to prevent background sounds.
4. Dress Nice-ish 🙂
1. Don’t unmute yourself without teacher permission.
2. Don’t walk around or dance. Stay in one place during the meeting.
3. Don’t interrupt others when talking.
4. Don’t eat during meetings.
Starting April 6th…
*Assignments will be posted under the 7th grade Block Agenda. To help streamline for students and families, I will only be giving one assignment for both.
*Zoom links and passwords will be posted in Google Classroom.
*I will have Zoom Office Hours:
AM Block 1:00-1:55
PM Block 2:00-2:55
Distance Learning Begins 4/6!
Hi Students and Families,
I will post assignments here on the blog as usual. All resources will be available in our Google Classroom. Eventually we will be able to meet and talk on Zoom! Can’t wait to see you, and don’t stress! We will start slow and figure it out together 🙂
This Quarantine Life
Please know, according to district and state policies, that work is not required to be completed during the closure in March. This is purely a voluntary opportunity to contribute your stories and artwork if you would like.Remember, if you’d like to contribute, you can submit it to me via email at steinbaugh_e@4j.lane.edu. Each day, Ms. Hoke will  select a few entries to highlight on the blog, and in that way we can share our stories. No identifying information (the big three are: last names, specific location (i.e. home address or street name), or an image of yourself) can be shared, but you can share your stories and artwork with each other. In this way, maybe we can create a sense of community with each other even when we are, by necessity, social distancing from others.
Weedflower by Cynthia Kadohata
Link to Google Slides for Weedflower Unit with directions for Reading Logs:



Shark Tank Project…Inventions of Imperial China:Poster – Catchy Name, Logo, Purpose, Benefits, Selling StrategyPitch – How will you get investors to put money toward your invention? What makes it important? Slogan or Jingle? You have to sell it!Prototype – Create and example to your product and packaging that will wow investors.



Pennies for Persuasion!

7th graders at Cal Young have been learning about rhetorical devices and the power of persuasion as well as empathy. I am combining these two ideas for our current unit in language arts.

Students will be researching charities of their choice and writing a persuasive essay and creating a video nominating a specific charity to receive money.

Each class will collect change throughout the unit. My class raising the most money will get to vote on where we donate the money in the end.


Midterm is January 31st! Please check Student Vue and complete any missing assignments 🙂


Muslim Contributions Project:

Research and Bibliography: 12/6-12/10

Type Speech: 12/11-12/12

Work on Group Presentation: 12/13-12/18

Present to Class: 12/19-12/20


Any missing work from 1st Trimester is due by Monday 11/25!


Career Exploration Field Trip – Please return permission slips ASAP 🙂

When: Thursday, October 24th 10:00-1:00

Where: Bob Keefer Center in Springfield

Why: Explore career choices

Who: All 7th grade students and 8th grade AVID

All missing/late work for the first half of the trimester is due by Monday, October 7, 2019!

Open House September 26th!

I’m so excited to be teaching at Cal Young this year and look forward to meeting families at Open House on Thursday, September 26th. Watermelon Social is at 5:00 and Open House is 6:00.

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