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She says “love can’t be measured

i think it can 

measured in moments spent together

measured in sleepless nights spent talking

measured in sleepy mornings watching the sunrise

She says “love is an emotion” 

i think that it’s actions 

waking up to coffee and a kiss 

coming home to flowers and a note 

holding hands in front of a warm fire

She says, “i love you.”

i love you too. 



Sophie stafford 

Rhyming poetry final draft 

my sun 


you are my sun

you are my moon

i feel like i have won 

because you make me swoon

you are my love

you are my joy 

i’ll always put you above

because you make me say “oh boy”


Haiku final draft


Autumn days so cold

Walking to school, leaves crunching

Pumpkins and blankets


Tanka final draft

Messy room 

Laundry everywhere

An unmade bed is the worst

Cups and bowls and plates

Littered around all over 

Messy rooms are really bad


Lyrical final draft

I always wonder 

What life would be like with you

Would we have a little house?

I would let you borrow my blouse


I always want to hold you tight 

Snuggle up every single night

I want to go on long walks with you 

Watch as our relationship grew

You are the one that I adore

Everyday I love you more 

I always want to hold you tight

Cuddle up every single night 


I hope we get married in may 

I’ve began to think this way

We can have white dresses

And pink and purple flowers 


I always want to hold you tight

Snuggle up every single night

I want to go on long walks with you 

Watch as our relationship grew

You are the one that I adore

Everyday I love you more 

I always want to hold you tight

Cuddle up every single night 


I really think that this is fate

Because you are so super cool

I want you to be my mate

Even if we are still in school

I’ll always take you on a nice date

My dream.