Science Curriculum Adoption K-12

The Eugene School District is embarking on a K-12 science curriculum adoption.  This is the first full district science adoption in more than a decade and is in perfect alignment with the rest of our state, as the Oregon Department of Education adopted the Next Generation Science Standards in spring of 2014.

Our district adoption of high-quality curriculum materials will ensure that all of our students have access to science and engineering curriculum that will support them in reaching global science literacy.

Digital Needs/Concerns (Please keep in mind as you pilot new curriculum):

  • Computer and iPad access – HTML 5 or stand-alone app for the iPad (not running through Puffin iPad app web browser).
  • Ability to access content without internet connectivity.  This would include the choice of being able to download portions of the “textbook” – text and videos.
  • Engaging interactivity – more than a static PDF running through an app with an overlay on the text.  Interactivity that enhances learning with videos, quizzes, note taking capabilities, auto create flashcards from student notes, etc.
  • Ease of use:  simple log in procedures for students and teachers.
  • Ability to add students and teachers locally.
  • Ability for teachers to access student information.  Change passwords if needed (if student forgets).
  • Consumables available digitally – should only need to purchase once (app) and reuse as necessary.
  • Text to Speech

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