4. The Staff Area

You won’t be allowed to enter this place anyway but waiting for you to apply as one of the staffs at the Spencer Public Library, Hello Mr. and Ms. future staff and welcome to the staff area! You may think that it’s quite and peaceful because there are no people around. That is true, but the doesn’t mean that this place is completely silent! Although there are only staffs here, the staffs are scurrying around doing all sorts of work! They receive and sort out tens and hundreds of requests to interview and film Dewey for their post or magazine! They fight a valiant war with Dewey of hiding and finding rubber bands! They drap Dewey over their shoulders to perform the Dewey carry! They pat Dewey! They hug Dewey! They scratch Dewey! And they love Dewey! Are you thinking ‘What the heck is this site’? No worries! If you just read the book ‘Dewey’ all worries and problems will wash away.

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