le 13 au 17 mai 2024
Upcoming Dates
May 6-17 – Oregon Statewide Assessment window. 4th grade will take tests in English and math. Find out more below.
Wednesday, May 22 – Field trip to Dorris Ranch, 9-11:50 a.m. Please have your child dress in layers for a cooler morning.
Monday, May 27 – NO SCHOOL, Memorial Day
What’s up! Quoi de neuf?
Please send your child to school in proper footwear and a WARM water-repellent jacket with a hood or a hat when the weather is rainy. Please have your child wear warmer layers and weather-appropriate shoes. Thank you!
If your child is ill or has had a fever or vomited within the previous 24 hours, please keep your child home. If your child will be absent, please email both teachers and please call in and leave a message on the school attendance line (541) 790-7080 or email Eliza at drummond_e@4j.lane.edu.
Please ensure that you email BOTH TEACHERS when you communicate with us.
(kincaid_j@4j.lane.edu and hopper_s@4j.lane.edu)
Le français:

Mme Jana kincaid_j@4j.lane.edu Français, Sciences
First, thank you so much for all the teacher appreciation gifts. Usually, I write thank you notes, but I wasn’t in the classroom when most of the presents were dropped off, and even though my subs tried to label things, I’m really not sure who gave me what. So….thank you so much!
A few students had a hard time with last week’s French rules, so we’re going to spend more time on them this week and do our quiz this Friday.
We will not alphabetize or sort this Wednesday. We’ll be spending time completing our francophone country studies and hearing presentations that are ready. We’ve begun our newest “J’observe…” called Le cercle magique, which you can see below. The kids have to guess where the photo is taken and why the circle exists. No spoilers if you recognize it (or Google it)! 
Most students have completed their most recent art project, and they will come down from the stairwell and home this week.
Student goal: I am applying myself to my school work. I am actively seeking learning.
Student goal: I can identify grammatical and punctuation errors in sentences in French.
Student goal: I can form and connect all the lowercase and uppercase letters correctly in cursive.
Student goal: I can apply learned French grammar rules during daily speaking and writing.
Les sciences humaines (la géographie):
Presentations began last week. Thus far, nine students have presented, and seven others are ready to go, with many more finishing up. When the presentation is complete, I hang the completed dodecahedron in the classroom. Students who have not yet completed their projects will continue to have work time, and those students who have finished will have the option of doing another project or helping other students to finish. Some students have begun to bring some of the work home as homework if they aren’t as far along as they ought to be by now. I will email you if your child has work to complete on this project at home. Thank you to the parents who made sure the students who needed to catch up did so.
I’m still planning to have a Senegalese visitor and also a visitor from a member of our community who was raised in Burkina Faso, although we are experiencing some scheduling obstacles. They will be sharing photos & experiences from their childhoods growing up in these francophone countries.
Student goal: I begin to see my role in this world as a global citizen and to understand that my reality is not the same as other children’s in the world.
Student goal: I can identify many French-speaking (francophone) countries of the world.
Les sciences:
We will begin our science unit, Énergie in the coming week. We’ll discuss energy sources and try to build our first circuit using electrical wires (les fils électriques), a D battery (une pile D), and a tiny bulb (une ampoule).
Les copains/Buddies:

We had buddies this past week, which Mme Roadman and I prepped, and Mme Shelli handled for me while I was at jury duty. Merci, Mme Shelli! The students made Mother’s Day cards together, so hopefully those made it home!
Mme Hannah is taking the lead in English and Math Class for the next two weeks. Mme Shelli will still be here to guide and advise.

Mme Shelli hopper_s@4j.lane.edu English & Math teacher
Math Key concepts:
•Points, lines, line segments, and rays can be combined to make geometric figures.
•An angle is measured degrees. An angle that turns through 1/360th of a circle is called a one-degree angle.
It is a HOMEWORK week!
In Math, students have been working on measuring angles using protractors, estimation, and division. We’ve learned about acute, obtuse, right, reflex, and straight angles. This week, we will have a math unit test about angles.
Students have been working hard finding similarities between myths and stories from different cultures. They have read Ancient Greek and Native American myths to compare and contrast and find universal themes in myths. This week, we will be writing a compare/ contrast essay answering the question, “What do myths from different cultures have in common?” If you have a story passed down in your family, this is a great time to share with your child so they can learn even more themes and morals from more cultures!

State Testing (OSAS)
Students will wrap up state testing this week. The test is not timed, so they will have as much time as needed.
Each spring, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students test in Math and ELA. Students and families can practice taking these tests here. (More information can be found on 4j’s testing website.)
Host Families needed for next year’s interns!
Calling on Host Families for 2024-2025!
Bonjour Charlemagne families,
We are getting ready to host more interns next year…
Our Amity interns are a huge part of our school. Thanks to them, teachers in grades 2-5 can differentiate their instruction and students can experience more French speaking. We could not do this program without host families who agree to host them for 2-3 months.
The requirements to host are:
– Transport the intern to and from school,
– Offer her/his own room,
– Offer 3 meals a day
The host families don’t have to be part of our Charlemagne community.
So, tell friends, neighbors, family members!
If you have an interest in hosting, please reach out to our host family coordinator, Rachel Buciarski (Maya’s mom) at rachel@buciarski.com.
Merci beaucoup! Aurelie Sion (she/her), 2ème année
le 6 au 10 mai 2024
Upcoming Dates
May 6-17 – Oregon Statewide Assessment window. 4th grade will take tests in English and math. Find out more below.
Wednesday, May 22 – Field trip to Dorris Ranch, 9-11:50 a.m. One or two additional parent chaperones are welcome. Email Mme Shelli if you’d like to join. hopper_s@4j.lane.edu
Monday, May 27 – NO SCHOOL, Memorial Day
What’s up! Quoi de neuf?
Please send your child to school in proper footwear and a WARM water-repellent jacket with a hood or a hat when the weather is rainy. Please have your child wear warmer layers and weather-appropriate shoes. Thank you!
If your child is ill or has had a fever or vomited within the previous 24 hours, please keep your child home. If your child will be absent, please email both teachers and please call in and leave a message on the school attendance line (541) 790-7080 or email Eliza at drummond_e@4j.lane.edu.
Please ensure that you email BOTH TEACHERS when you communicate with us.
(kincaid_j@4j.lane.edu and hopper_s@4j.lane.edu)
Host Families needed for next year’s interns!
Calling on Host Families for 2024-2025!
Bonjour Charlemagne families,
We are getting ready to host more interns next year…
Our Amity interns are a huge part of our school. Thanks to them, teachers in grades 2-5 can differentiate their instruction and students can experience more French speaking. We could not do this program without host families who agree to host them for 2-3 months.
The requirements to host are:
– Transport the intern to and from school,
– Offer her/his own room,
– Offer 3 meals a day
The host families don’t have to be part of our Charlemagne community.
So, tell friends, neighbors, family members!
If you have an interest in hosting, please reach out to our host family coordinator, Rachel Buciarski (Maya’s mom) at rachel@buciarski.com.
Merci beaucoup! Aurelie Sion (she/her), 2ème année
Le français:

This week’s French homework is another set of four rules, so students have to write two sentences per day that utilize the rule. Here is a copy if needed: vocab règles mai 2024 l Vocab
We continue to correct two horrible sentences on all full days, and alphabetize and/or sort words on our short day. Most students have completed the “J’observe…“ Quatre porcelets dans un chapeau melon (Four piglets in a bowler hat!), so we’ve begun our newest “J’observe…” called Le cercle magique, which you can see to the right. The kids have to guess where the photo is taken and why the circle exists. No spoilers if you recognize it (or Google it)! Student writing is getting really impressive.
Most students have completed their most recent art project, and I think we’ll be sending them home pretty soon. We aren’t spending any more class time on them.
Student goal: I am applying myself to my school work. I am actively seeking learning.
Student goal: I can identify grammatical and punctuation errors in sentences in French.
Student goal: I can form and connect all the lowercase and uppercase letters correctly in cursive.
Student goal: I can apply learned French grammar rules during daily speaking and writing.
Les sciences humaines (la géographie):
We are working on our francophone project daily. Most students have completed at least the fifth of the twelve sides, and five or so student in blue class have completed assembling their dodecahedrons, so presentations will begin this week. Students who have not yet completed their projects will continue to have work time, and those students who have finished will have the option of doing another project or helping other students to finish. Some students have begun to bring some of the work home as homework if they aren’t as far along as they ought to be by now. I will email you if your child has work to complete on this project at home.
I’m still planning to have a Senegalese visitor and also a visitor from a member of our community who was raised in Burkina Faso, although we are experiencing some scheduling obstacles. They will be sharing photos & experiences from their childhoods growing up in these francophone countries.
Mme Hannah is taking the lead in English and Math Class for the next five weeks. Mme Shelli will still be here to guide and advise.

Mme Shelli hopper_s@4j.lane.edu English & Math teacher
Math Key concepts:
•Points, lines, line segments, and rays can be combined to make geometric figures.
•An angle is measured degrees. An angle that turns through 1/360th of a circle is called a one-degree angle.
There IS NO MATH review homework.
Please ask your child for their math quiz that was sent home on Friday. Students demonstrated that they can be flexible with mixed numbers and improper fractions to be able to add and subtract.
Now, we are exploring some fun geometry. Students learned how to use a protractor to draw and measure angles last week. This week, students will analyze geometric figures and circles and REASON to determine the measurement of an angle.
On Monday, students will bring home a recent writing assignment in which they wrote an organized informational paragraph describing what they have learned about Greek Myths.
Currently, students are reading short plays from the book Pushing Up the Sky. As students determine themes of the Native American myths, they will compare stories to Greek myths and notice similar themes, morals, and creation stories.

State Testing (OSAS)
Students will have a chance to explore practice tests for the Oregon Statewide Assessment on Monday. Then, on Tuesday, they will begin the English portion of the test. But don’t worry, we’ll dedicate just a portion of the day for testing, we’ll still be reading and doing a little math each day, too.
Each spring, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students test in Math and ELA. In 5th grade, students also test in Science. Students and families can practice taking these tests here. (More information can be found on 4j’s testing website.)
le 29 avril au 3 mai 2024
Upcoming Dates
May 6-17 – Oregon Statewide Assessment window. 4th grade will take tests in English and math. Find out more below.
Wednesday, May 22 – Field trip to Dorris Ranch, 9-11:50 a.m. Parent chaperones needed. Email Mme Shelli if you’d like to join. hopper_s@4j.lane.edu
Monday, May 27 – NO SCHOOL, Memorial Day
What’s up! Quoi de neuf?
Please send your child to school in proper footwear and a WARM water-repellent jacket with a hood or a hat when the weather is rainy. Please have your child wear warmer layers and weather-appropriate shoes. Thank you!
If your child is ill or has had a fever or vomited within the previous 24 hours, please keep your child home. If your child will be absent, please email both teachers and please call in and leave a message on the school attendance line (541) 790-7080 or email Eliza at drummond_e@4j.lane.edu.
Please ensure that you email BOTH TEACHERS when you communicate with us.
(kincaid_j@4j.lane.edu and hopper_s@4j.lane.edu)
Host Families needed for next year’s interns!
Calling on Host Families for 2024-2025!
Bonjour Charlemagne families,
We are getting ready to host more interns next year…
Our Amity interns are a huge part of our school. Thanks to them, teachers in grades 2-5 can differentiate their instruction and students can experience more French speaking. We could not do this program without host families who agree to host them for 2-3 months.
The requirements to host are:
– Transport the intern to and from school,
– Offer her/his own room,
– Offer 3 meals a day
The host families don’t have to be part of our Charlemagne community.
So, tell friends, neighbors, family members!
If you have an interest in hosting, please reach out to our host family coordinator, Rachel Buciarski (Maya’s mom) at rachel@buciarski.com.
Merci beaucoup! Aurelie Sion (she/her), 2ème année
Le français:

No French homework this week, but we had our quiz on Friday, where students had to apply the four rules on which we concentrated last week. The average quiz score of all of fourth grade was 93%! Also, 70% of the class scored 93% or better, which is wonderful. Our homework next time will also be four different rules.
We continue to correct two horrible sentences on all full days, and alphabetize and/or sort words on our short day. Many students have completed the “J’observe…“ Quatre porcelets dans un chapeau melon (Four piglets in a bowler hat!), but we’ll need at least one more session to help most catch up.
We’ve started reading groups back up for the next week. Some groups that have finished their second book will work on phonetics. Most kids have finished the current art project, and they are looking amazing in the stairwell. If you have a chance to swing down and look at them, they are pretty impressive.: 
Student goal: I am applying myself to my school work. I am actively seeking learning.
Student goal: I can identify grammatical and punctuation errors in sentences in French.
Student goal: I can form and connect all the lowercase and uppercase letters correctly in cursive.
Student goal: I can apply learned French grammar rules during daily speaking and writing.
Les sciences humaines (la géographie):
We are working on our francophone project daily. Most students have completed at least the fifth of the twelve sides, and students will begin to put their dodecahedrons together in the next couple of weeks, then presentations will begin. Also, a variety of visitors will come in and talk about the francophone country they grew up in. Hopefully, afterward, your students will be very knowledgeable about which 29+ countries have a living link to French.
Many thanks to Grace’s dad, Ben, who grew up on Mauritius (le Maurice) and came last Friday to present to the kids with some great photos. We all wanted to visit Mauritius afterward. Over the next two weeks, we will have a Senegalese visitor and also a visitor from a member of our community who was raised in Burkina Faso. They will be sharing photos & experiences from their childhoods growing up in these francophone countries.
Student goal: I can identify and name the world’s oceans and continents.
Student goal: I can identify the difference between a city, a country, and a continent.
Student goal: I begin to see my role in this world as a global citizen and to understand that my reality is not the same as other children’s in the world.
Student goal: I can identify many French-speaking (francophone) countries of the world.
Les copains/Buddies:
We had to skip this week. 🤪
Mme Hannah is taking the lead in English and Math Class for the next five weeks. Mme Shelli will still be here to guide and advise.

Mme Shelli hopper_s@4j.lane.edu English & Math teacher
Math Key concepts:
•Replacing a mixed number with an equivalent fraction can make it easier to add and subtract fractions with like denominators.
•We can use visual models and equations to represent situational problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions.
We are working on being flexible with adding and subtracting fractions both with mixed numbers and improper fractions. This week we’ll focus on subtracting mixed numbers which may require students to change a mixed number into an equivalent fraction before subtraction. As we wrap up this unit, we’ll start a fun Geometry unit that involves measuring angles.
Please ask your child to show you their multi-paragraph opinion essay about the Lewis and Clark Expedition early this week. It should come home on Monday. This was a practice essay in which students wrote their opinion on two of the biggest impacts of the Corps of Discovery. We discussed and analyzed a four paragraph opinion writing structure. Look for the checklist in their booklet on p. 56 for the skills they were practicing in this written assignment.
We will continue reading myths with Mme Hannah this week. Students will write an organized informational paragraph describing what they have learned about Greek Myths. Next, we’ll look at stories from Native American cultures. We will compare myths from different cultures and notice similar themes, morals, and creation stories.
State Testing (OSAS)
Although they are only one measure of academic success, state test results provide important information for students, families, teachers, schools, and districts. The Elementary and Secondary Education Act requires all states receiving federal funds for schools to show that all students are learning. States show this by testing students beginning in 3rd grade. These summative assessment results show the federal government and the Oregon Department of Education how well all students are performing according to state standards in Math, English Language Arts (reading and writing, or ELA), and Science. When a school district’s results drop below a certain threshold, the Oregon Department of Education will step in to offer support. The goal of this accountability model is to help all students succeed in school.
Each spring, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students test in Math and ELA. In 5th grade, students also test in Science. Students and families can practice taking these tests here. (More information can be found on 4j’s testing website.)
le 22 au 26 avril 2024
Upcoming Dates

Wednesday, April 24 – SCIENCE FAIR (La foire aux sciences)
Monday-Friday, April 22-26 – Artist in Residence
Saturday, April 27 – Charlemagne Auction “Caribbean Getaway” 6-10 p.m. Ford Alumni Center (see below for tickets)
Wednesday, May 22 – Field trip to Dorris Ranch, 9-11:50 a.m. Parent chaperones needed. Email Mme Shelli if you’d like to join. hopper_s@4j.lane.edu
What’s up! Quoi de neuf?
Please send your child to school in proper footwear and a WARM water-repellent jacket with a hood or a hat when the weather is rainy. Please have your child wear warmer layers and weather-appropriate shoes. Thank you!
If your child is ill or has had a fever or vomited within the previous 24 hours, please keep your child home. If your child will be absent, please email both teachers and please call in and leave a message on the school attendance line (541) 790-7080 or email Eliza at drummond_e@4j.lane.edu.
Please ensure that you email BOTH TEACHERS when you communicate with us.
(kincaid_j@4j.lane.edu and hopper_s@4j.lane.edu)
Host Families needed for next year’s interns!
Calling on Host Families for 2024-2025!
Bonjour Charlemagne families,
We are getting ready to host more interns next year…
Our Amity interns are a huge part of our school. Thanks to them, teachers in grades 2-5 can differentiate their instruction and students can experience more French speaking. We could not do this program without host families who agree to host them for 2-3 months.
The requirements to host are:
– Transport the intern to and from school,
– Offer her/his own room,
– Offer 3 meals a day
The host families don’t have to be part of our Charlemagne community.
So, tell friends, neighbors, family members!
If you have an interest in hosting, please reach out to our host family coordinator, Rachel Buciarski (Maya’s mom) at rachel@buciarski.com.
Merci beaucoup! Aurelie Sion (she/her), 2ème année
Le français:

French homework this week is a little different. Students are going to be working with four different rules that we have been working on all year. Since most of our students are not raised in a french-speaking household, they do not learn which words are masculine and which are feminine because they aren’t hearing them spoken day after day, every moment of the day. So, they will be better able to use their French if they learn some rules about which words are feminine and which are masculine, and I added in one rule about spelling. Basically, 1) all words ending in -tion are feminine (la, une, ma, ta, sa, etc.), 2) all words ending in -eau are masculine (le, un, mon, ton, son), except for l’eau (water) and la peau (skin), 3) all words that end in -ère, have an accent grave (è) on the first “e,” and 4) all words that end in -ette, are feminine, except le squelette (skeleton). They will be writing two original sentences daily using a rule each day. Here is a copy of the French homework: vocab règles avril 2024 l Vocab
We continue to correct two horrible sentences on all full days, and alphabetize and/or sort words on our short day. Most students have completed the “J’observe…“ writing project with the bucklings in the sink, and we began our new one, which is Quatre porcelets dans un chapeau melon (Four piglets in a bowler hat!):
We’ve started reading groups back up for the next two to three weeks. Some groups that have finished their second book will work on phonetics. Most kids have finished the current art project, and they are looking amazing in the stairwell: 
Here are some close-ups as well:

Student goal: I am applying myself to my school work. I am actively seeking learning.
Student goal: I can identify grammatical and punctuation errors in sentences in French.
Student goal: I can form and connect all the lowercase and uppercase letters correctly in cursive.
Student goal: I am expanding my vocabulary by incorporating new words into my speaking and writing.
Les sciences humaines (la géographie):
We are working on our francophone project nearly daily. Most students are on at least their fourth side, and students will begin to put their dodecahedrons together in the next couple of weeks, then presentations will begin. Also, a variety of visitors to come in and talk about the francophone country they grew up in. Hopefully, afterward, your students will be very knowledgeable about which 29+ countries have a living link to French. So far, we have Grace’s dad, Ben, from Mauritius who is coming this Friday. Over the next two weeks, we will have a Senegalese visitor and also a visitor from a member of our community who was raised in Burkina Faso. They will be sharing photos & experiences from their childhoods growing up in these francophone countries.
Student goal: I can identify and name the world’s oceans and continents.
Student goal: I can identify the difference between a city, a country, and a continent.
Student goal: I begin to see my role in this world as a global citizen and to understand that my reality is not the same as other children’s in the world.
Student goal: I can identify many French-speaking (francophone) countries of the world.
Les copains/Buddies:
This week, both classes worked on a spring buddy project. It is in English, but sometimes that’s necessary for first graders.

Mme Hannah is taking the lead in English and Math Class for the next five weeks. Mme Shelli will still be here to guide and advise.

Mme Shelli hopper_s@4j.lane.edu English & Math teacher
Math Key concepts:
•Replacing a mixed number with an equivalent fraction and using the relationship between addition and subtraction can make it easier to add and subtract fractions with like denominators.
•We can use visual models and equations to represent situational problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions with the same whole and like denominators.
There is no MATH REVIEW HOMEWORK this week.
We are working on being flexible with adding and subtracting fractions both with mixed numbers and improper fractions. We’ve focused on using line plots to show data of our own and our classmates’ shoe sizes. Our aim is to take our Unit test this Friday!
We started studying Greek myths with Mme Hannah last week, and students are very excited to share what they know with their classmates. This week, we will dive deeper into Greek myths and their presence on our language and architecture, and we will discuss themes and morals in Greek Myths. Later, we’ll compare Greek Myths to myths from other cultures.
Charlemagne Auction:

The 2024 Charlemagne Auction tickets are on sale NOW! This key fundraiser helps support our French Interns who are a vital part of our school. Get your tickets online at:
le 15 au 19 avril 2024
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, April 24 – SCIENCE FAIR (La foire aux sciences)
Saturday, April 27 – Charlemagne Auction “Caribbean Getaway” 6-10 p.m. Ford Alumni Center (see below for tickets)
Wednesday, May 22 – Field trip to Dorris Ranch, 9-11:50 a.m. Four parent chaperones needed. Email Mme Shelli if you’d like to join us. hopper_s@4j.lane.edu.
What’s up! Quoi de neuf?
Please send your child to school in proper footwear and a WARM water-repellent jacket with a hood or a hat when the weather is rainy. It’s getting cold, too, so please have your child wear warmer layers and weather-appropriate shoes. Thank you!
If your child is ill or has had a fever or vomited within the previous 24 hours, please keep your child home. If your child will be absent, please email both teachers (kincaid_j@4j.lane.edu and hopper_s@4j.lane.edu) and please call in and leave a message on the school attendance line (541) 790-7080 or email Eliza at drummond_e@4j.lane.edu.
Please ensure that you email BOTH TEACHERS when you communicate with us.
Host Families needed for next year’s interns!
Calling on Host Families for 2024-2025!
Bonjour Charlemagne families,
We are getting ready to host more interns next year…
Our Amity interns are a huge part of our school. Thanks to them, teachers in grades 2-5 can differentiate their instruction and students can experience more French speaking. We could not do this program without host families who agree to host them for 2-3 months.
The requirements to host are:
– Transport the intern to and from school,
– Offer her/his own room,
– Offer 3 meals a day
The host families don’t have to be part of our Charlemagne community.
So, tell friends, neighbors, family members!
If you have an interest in hosting, please reach out to our host family coordinator, Rachel Buciarski (Maya’s mom) at rachel@buciarski.com.
Merci beaucoup! Aurelie Sion (she/her), 2ème année
Our class party was a ton of fun!

Le français:

We actually squeezed the French vocabulary quiz in on Thursday, prior to the party. Most students did very well. Remember that the quiz this week was exactly the same sentences from the homework, with no variations like I usually do. A wonderfully overwhelming 35 of the 50 (70%) students who took the quiz achieved a score of 95% or 100%, missing only one or no questions. Next French homework is next week.
We continue to correct two horrible sentences on all full days, and alphabetize and/or sort words on our short day. We will get back to our latest “J’observe…” writing project also this week.
Students are beginning to finish the latest art project, so hopefully we can get them up in the stairwell soon. We’ll start reading groups back up for the next two to three weeks. A few more kids have finished the current art project, so I’ve started putting them up in the stairwell. This is our beginning: 
Student goal: I am applying myself to my school work. I am actively seeking learning.
Student goal: I can identify grammatical and punctuation errors in sentences in French.
Student goal: I can form and connect all the lowercase and uppercase letters correctly in cursive.
Student goal: I am expanding my vocabulary by incorporating new words into my speaking and writing.
Les sciences humaines (la géographie):
We are working on our francophone project nearly daily. There are 12 categories to work on, each category representing one side of a dodecahedron. They work on learning about their countries at the same time as they work on their dodecahedron. They will construct the dodecahedron at the very end, and then they will give a presentation on their country to the class. Also I am arranging a variety of visitors to come in and talk about the francophone country they grew up in. Hopefully, afterward, your students will be very knowledgeable about which 29+ countries have a living link to French. So far, we have Grace’s dad, Ben, who is from Mauritius, we have a 3rd & 5th grade students’ mom who is from Senegal, and we have a first grade mom from Burkina Faso. They will be sharing photos & experiences from their childhoods growing up in these francophone countries.
Student goal: I can identify and name the world’s oceans and continents.
Student goal: I can identify the difference between a city, a country, and a continent.
Student goal: I begin to see my role in this world as a global citizen and to understand that my reality is not the same as other children’s in the world.
Student goal: I can identify many French-speaking (francophone) countries of the world.
Les copains/Buddies:

With buddies, blue class read about the solar eclipse with their buddies. The red class worked on a science experiment outside with bubbles and wind to show that air exists.

Mme Shelli hopper_s@4j.lane.edu English & Math teacher
Math Key concepts:
•Solve problems with multiplicative comparison, choosing the right operation, multiplication or division to solve appropriately.
There is MATH REVIEW HOMEWORK this week.
Students took a “post-test” on multiplication facts on Thursday. Every student improved their scores and/or speed! Yay! Though timed tests are not a regular event in 4th grade, they can help determine which facts your child may need to practice. Please ask your child for their multiplication test which should come home on Monday.
We will wrap up our multiplicative reasoning unit this week with a quiz on Monday. Then, on Tuesday, we’ll start a new unit, Addition and Subtraction of Fractions & Mixed Numbers.
Key Concepts in this new unit are:
- Replacing a mixed number with an equivalent fraction and using the relationship between addition and subtraction can make it easier to add and subtract fractions with like denominators.
- We can use visual models and equations to represent situational problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions with the same whole and like denominators.

English & Social Studies
On Monday, we will wrap up our integrated reading, writing, and history unit about the expansion of the United States. Students will be writing a 4 paragraph opinion essay for the prompt:
In your opinion, what were the most significant impacts of the Corps of Discovery on the Oregon region and its people?
Students have been learning one way to organize a persuasive essay using the “OREEO” model:

Mme Hannah
On Tuesday, our student teacher, Mme Hannah, will begin our next unit on Greek Myths! For the next six weeks, she will moving into the lead teacher role in English and Math. Mme Shelli will continue to be in the class and to assist and to guide.
Charlemagne Auction:

The 2024 Charlemagne Auction tickets are on sale NOW! This key fundraiser helps support our French Interns who are a vital part of our school. Get your tickets online at: