Welcome to Week Two of distance learning! We appreciate all the hard work parents and guardians have been doing as co-teachers this week, possibly not a role you thought you’d be doing. Students, we miss you! Please read this communication to all families from Mme Courtney.
As we move into this week, we have listed activities each day on the Weekly 4th grade activities document. We have “teacher-led” and “supplemental” activities. If your child is taking longer than 90 minutes on teacher-led activities, you may decide to stop or to limit the number of teacher-led activities; please just let us know by email. The list of supplemental activities are suggested activities and should take no more than 2 hours per day. There are also several links in our “Challenges” tab on this page to use to supplement learning. We’ll be updating this often.
This week’s learning
Our curriculum continues to be review this week, as directed by the district. We want families to get acquainted with the technology and to begin to figure out a schedule for daily school. Here’s a sample home learning schedule; of course, do what fits your family’s needs.
Mme Jana’s Assignments
French: There are now two sentences to correct each day but Friday. Friday still has one sentence. However, the first sentence on page 1 is mandatory, and the second sentence, found on page 2, is optional. It is a slightly harder sentence for those students up for a challenge.
On Monday, I’m asking you to explore the section on this blog called “Les ressources de Mme Jana (en français).” You are to explore at least three of the websites I’ve linked in the “Français Langue Seconde” category, except not Larousse or Bescherelle. Please follow the directions that are written and spoken to guide you. You will then write a couple of sentences about your experience at each site. Would you recommend the site to others? On Tuesday, you’ll read the next two pages in “La ruse de Petit Bison.” Wednesday, you’ll review the verbs “avoir” and “être” then do a Kahoot! On Thursday, we’ll review “faire” and “aller.” On Friday, I’m working on something that isn’t complete yet, so you’ll get to find out on Friday!
Sciences: I’ve linked a short science video in French for each day of the week. You will find them on the weekly 4th Grade Activities document. You will also seem them each morning in the teacher greetings on Seesaw. They cover electricity, magnets, renewable resources, and force.
Mme Shelli’s Assignments
Math: We review decimals through tenths and hundredths. Students will use models and number lines. Kahn Academy and Edpuzzle videos can give background information; Parents may like to use Kahn Academy lessons to challenge or supplement more math at home.
Reading: We will start with an internet safety video & lesson. Consider having discussions with your children about being safe and responsible online and with technology, if you haven’t already. Also, we will attempt to access our Journeys book. Students will read a short story and identify the theme. Students should be reading a choice book throughout the week. Books can be found on EPIC or actual books. On Friday, they will write a short journal response about what they have been reading on their own.
Seesaw Tips
On Seesaw, to complete your work, you must look at 1. Inbox, 2. Activities and 3. Journal each day. We leave notes for students and may ask students to revise activities; these can be found in the “Journal.” (See Video)
Video: Students’ Seesaw Tutorial
Video: Turn off parent email notifications
If you haven’t signed up for the Family App and can’t find your code, let us know and we can send the code again. Below is a quick reference about the difference between the Seesaw Family App and the Student’s Class App.
Office hours
We are available quite often to reply to your emails during the day. Please email us both and include your child’s name in the email if you have any questions. During the following “office hours” we are available to email or to call you if you need assistance. Please email us if you would like one of us to call you during our office hours.
Monday 9-10 am
Tuesday 7-8 pm
Wednesday 9-10 am
Technology Needs
If you are discovering that your technology is not sufficient, please let us know. The district can loan you an iPad with a keyboard and can provide an internet hot spot if needed. Also, if you have an iPad loaned to you from the district, you may email 4j at sts@4j.lane.edu if you have any technical issues, and they will get back to you.
Students’ Personal Items
Since we now know that we won’t be returning to school this year (Boo hoo), we will be making arrangements for you all to go to school and pick up your stuff! You will be notified of the date as we get closer.
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