You’re invited to our Native American
Museum Open House
Dec. 18 in the gym
Blue Class: 10:15-11:15 am Red Class: 1:30-2:30pm.
As you know, our 4th graders have researched a Native American tribe which lived in Oregon. They have learned about how they lived before Europeans began moving into the area in the 1800’s. They’re in the process of writing a report & small speech during class. Next Thursday, December 18th, students will show students a visual presentation and give a mini-speech to tell other students and parents about the culture of the people they studied.
Students will be sharing their visuals and teaching kids in other classes about what they’ve learned.
I’d love to have a few parents help me set up tables the gym for museum day, December 18th at 7:55am. Parents also needed to help put tables away at 2:30. Please email Shelli if you can help. Thank you!
HOMEWORK/ Visual Project
Students’ homework this week and next week is to complete a visual representation of their Native American tribe’s food, clothing, homes, environment, and tools/transportation. In class I’ve shown several examples of posters, dioramas, a homemade coloring book, and a mobile. We’ve discussed ideas of how to use recycled and regular household items, hand drawn images, and computer printed pictures to create the visual. Students will be writing the report & making the speech in class, so only the visual is done at home. If you or your child have questions, please let me know right away so I can help.
A small book and a web resources that students used for their research during class are available on my blog. Click here for link.
These projects can be brought in ANY DAY now. The final due date is next Wednesday, December 17th when we will use the visuals to practice our mini-speeches.
Parent Volunteers Needed
Help gather supplies, stuff shoes for our Shoe Filling day on Dec. 19th. Please email Stephanie Hand to see what has been planned & how you can help.
Other News
We enjoyed a visit from the 4J NATIVES program, Brenda Brainard, who shared stories from the Coos people of western Oregon. She brought many tools and objects designed by Native Americans in the region. Some of the tools were very old; one was over 2000 years old! Students were able to ask questions and touch the objects after the presentation.
(Pictures coming soon)
December Assembly
December 19 at 12:30 all classes will join together for singing in the gym. Parents are welcome to come watch.
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