le 6 au 10 mai 2024

Upcoming Dates

May 6-17 – Oregon Statewide Assessment window. 4th grade will take tests in English and math. Find out more below.

Wednesday, May 22 – Field trip to Dorris Ranch, 9-11:50 a.m.  One or two additional parent chaperones are welcome. Email Mme Shelli if you’d like to join. hopper_s@4j.lane.edu

Monday, May 27 – NO SCHOOL, Memorial Day

What’s up! Quoi de neuf? 

Please send your child to school in proper footwear and a WARM water-repellent jacket with a hood or a hat when the weather is rainy. Please have your child wear warmer layers and weather-appropriate shoes. Thank you!

If your child is ill or has had a fever or vomited within the previous 24 hours, please keep your child home. If your child will be absent, please email both teachers and please call in and leave a message on the school attendance line (541) 790-7080 or email Eliza at drummond_e@4j.lane.edu.

Please ensure that you email BOTH TEACHERS when you communicate with us.

(kincaid_j@4j.lane.edu and hopper_s@4j.lane.edu)

Host Families needed for next year’s interns!

Calling on Host Families for 2024-2025!

Bonjour Charlemagne families,

We are getting ready to host more interns next year…

Our Amity interns are a huge part of our school. Thanks to them, teachers in grades 2-5 can differentiate their instruction and students can experience more French speaking. We could not do this program without host families who agree to host them for 2-3 months.

The requirements to host are:

–       Transport the intern to and from school,

–       Offer her/his own room,

–       Offer 3 meals a day

The host families don’t have to be part of our Charlemagne community.

So, tell friends, neighbors, family members!

If you have an interest in hosting, please reach out to our host family coordinator, Rachel Buciarski (Maya’s mom) at rachel@buciarski.com.

Merci beaucoup!  Aurelie Sion (she/her), 2ème année

Le français:

This week’s French homework is another set of four rules, so students have to write two sentences per day that utilize the rule. Here is a copy if needed:  vocab règles mai 2024 l Vocab

We continue to correct two horrible sentences on all full days, and alphabetize and/or sort words on our short day.  Most students have completed the “J’observe…  Quatre porcelets dans un chapeau melon (Four piglets in a bowler hat!), so we’ve begun our newest “J’observe…” called Le cercle magique, which you can see to the right. The kids have to guess where the photo is taken and why the circle exists. No spoilers if you recognize it (or Google it)! Student writing is getting really impressive.

Most students have completed their most recent art project, and I think we’ll be sending them home pretty soon. We aren’t spending any more class time on them.

Student goal:  I am applying myself to my school work. I am actively seeking learning.

Student goal:  I can identify grammatical and punctuation errors in sentences in French.

Student goal:  I can form and connect all the lowercase and uppercase letters correctly in cursive.

Student goal:  I can apply learned French grammar rules during daily speaking and writing.

Les sciences humaines (la géographie):

We are working on our francophone project daily. Most students have completed at least the fifth of the twelve sides, and five or so student in blue class have completed assembling their dodecahedrons, so presentations will begin this week. Students who have not yet completed their projects will continue to have work time, and those students who have finished will have the option of doing another project or helping other students to finish. Some students have begun to bring some of the work home as homework if they aren’t as far along as they ought to be by now. I will email you if your child has work to complete on this project at home.

I’m still planning to have a Senegalese visitor and also a visitor from a member of our community who was raised in Burkina Faso, although we are experiencing some scheduling obstacles. They will be sharing photos & experiences from their childhoods growing up in these francophone countries.

Student goal:  I can identify the difference between a city, a country, and a continent.

Student goal:  I begin to see my role in this world as a global citizen and to understand that my reality is not the same as other children’s in the world.

Student goal:  I can identify many French-speaking (francophone) countries of the world.

Les copains/Buddies: 

We had buddies on Wednesday, May 1, so we celebrated May Day by drawing bouquets of flowers. The French usually proffer lily of the valley (le muguet) on this day. I showed the fourth graders how to draw a few different flowers ahead of time, so they had fun showing their first grade buddies how to draw daffodils (le jonquille), cosmos (le cosmos), sunflowers (le tournesol), tulips (la tulipe) and roses (la rose). 




Mme Hannah is taking the lead in English and Math Class for the next five weeks. Mme Shelli will still be here to guide and advise.

Mme Shelli hopper_s@4j.lane.edu English & Math teacher

Math Key concepts:

Points, lines, line segments, and rays can be combined to make geometric figures. 

An angle is measured degrees. An angle that turns through 1/360th of a circle is called a one-degree angle.

There IS NO MATH review homework. 

Please ask your child for their math quiz that was sent home on Friday. Students demonstrated that they can be flexible with mixed numbers and improper fractions to be able to add and subtract.

Now, we are exploring some fun geometry. Students learned how to use a protractor to draw and measure angles last week. This week, students will analyze geometric figures and circles and REASON to determine the measurement of an angle.


On Monday, students will bring home a recent writing assignment in which they wrote an organized informational paragraph describing what they have learned about Greek Myths.

Currently, students are reading short plays from the book Pushing Up the Sky. As students determine themes of the Native American myths, they will compare stories to Greek myths and notice similar themes, morals, and creation stories.

State Testing (OSAS)

Students will have a chance to explore practice tests for the Oregon Statewide Assessment on Monday. Then, on Tuesday, they will begin the English portion of the test. But don’t worry, we’ll dedicate just a portion of the day for testing, we’ll still be reading and doing a little math each day, too.

Each spring, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students test in Math and ELA. In 5th grade, students also test in Science. Students and families can practice taking these tests here.  (More information can be found on 4j’s testing website.)