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Online learning Info

Hello everyone,

I hope that all of you are healthy and getting into the groove of online learning. On Monday 4/13/20, we are starting trimester three. Please check StudentVue for your 3rd trimester schedule!! Your classes are changing. Try to check in with your new teachers’ google classrooms so they can see who you are & to see what’s going on. =) We have some cool teachers who are looking forward to meeting you.

This week you are going to be “zooming” with the teachers you normally work with at Cal Young. For example, you might zoom with Bambi, Rochelle, Alison, or Joe. CLC teachers will also be available during 1st & 6th for work help if you have 1st or 6th academic support with me. You do NOT need to come to all of the zoom classes, but feel free to check in, say hello, & ask for any help you need with assignments.

There is a new zoom schedule!

Period 1- 12:30pm- 12:50pm
Period 2- 12:55pm- 1:15pm
Period 3- 1:20pm- 1:40pm
Period 4- 1:45pm- 2:05pm
Period 5- 2:10pm- 2:30pm
Period 6- 2:35pm- 2:55pm

These times are shorter, so the focus will be for help with work. If you are stuck, don’t understand something or need help, ZOOM is the place for you! Enter with questions & be ready to learn.

Online learning, Zoom, & Google Classroom

Hi folks,

I am posting some notes here in addition to having already sent emails. If you haven’t had a chance to check your email, please do so when you get a minute. In it are codes to the Google Classroom (GC). We will be going to online learning. I have set up 3 Google classrooms – 1st and 6th period are combined into one class. Come by and say hello to me & your classmates.

Once inside the Google classroom (GC), you will see the codes to join the zoom meetings. You will need permission to zoom! Some of you have already checked in and have permission. Others… not yet….  if you’d like to see your friends & chat with me, please provide permission. If you’re a student, ASK YOUR PARENT FOR PERMISSION – we need to let the office know. =)

SCHEDULE beginning 4/6/20

1st and 6th period are combined into 1 Google classroom. We will also be using “zoom” for live meetings, interactions, or instruction. The zoom schedule is as follows:

Period 1- 12:30 – 12:55 (period 1 & 6 share the same Google classroom – you can attend either)

Period 2- 1:00-1:25

Period 3- 1:30 – 1:55

Period 4 – 2:00 – 2:25 (If you are enrolled in my 4th, this is a free period for you – no zooming)

Period 5- 2:30 – 2:55

Period 6- 3:00 – 3:25 (period 1 & 6 share the same Google classroom – you can attend either)

Try to check in with all of your teachers, using the schedule above.

I will be posting assignments in the Google classroom. It is up to you to do them. If you need help, check in with me during zoom ours for help. 

Breathe! We are all learning how to do this… just like before, effort means a lot. Check in during zoom, say hello, no stress.

Let’s have a great first week! You guys are the best!!






Reading Resources

Eugene Public Library is currently signing up anyone for a library card by calling via phone (541) 682-5450, regardless of whether they live in the city limits or not.

These (out of district cards) cards would expire when they reopen to the public again. Once they reopen, card holders would need to pay the regular non-resident fee for continued access. But they don’t have to pay for using a card during the time the library is closed.

These cards give access to digital collections, including eBooks, eAudiobooks, movies, etc.

I have an EPL card and was able to renew over the phone. If you live out of district, they will set up an account for you.

Once they reopen, the out of district cards will expire. But for now and the forseeable future – it gives all access to the larger Oregon digital library that includes both eBooks (Libraries2Go) and Audiobooks (Hoopla)!

Weird times we’re in!

Hello All,

What scary and weird times we’re in! Someone asked me if I was enjoying the “break from school”. Ummm NO! I would rather be at work everyday, hanging out with & teaching my students! That crazy classroom gives me a sense of normalcy and routine. It probably serves the same function for all of you and your students. I miss you all! I also hope that all of you have been able to remain healthy! With me having a new grand baby, it is a bit stressful. Why on earth would people hoard toilet paper and baby wipes? Formula is difficult to find as well. Grrrr!

Soon, we will be going to online learning. I’m trying to figure out how to run 3 different math groups, 2 separate reading groups & how to teach social skills all within a small time frame/window. I also think about how your student will have other classes as well & how busy their schedules may be.

We will be getting more information on what this will look like tomorrow & as soon as I know, I will touch base with all of you! You can also contact me anytime. I am checking email regularly. Thank you for your support and patience – I appreciate all of you!

Happy Sunday =)


Email Sent ~ I’m not sure it went!

Here is the email that I sent to all parents on 9/4/19….It was sent, but I’m not sure it went! I was told that only 5 parents got it… hmmmm

Hello Parents,

First, let me apologize if you get this email multiple times. Because I am using Synergy (our attendance & grading system) to send these to all of my classes, if your student has me multiple times, you’ll get multiple emails. I don’t use this very often due to this reason. Today, I sent home a paper for you to look at regarding grades, classes, homework, etc. Not all of the students got them, so I will be giving them out again tomorrow. Be on the look out. On that paper, it talks about a new texting system I am using, called “Remind”.  It’s so new, that I made a mistake! I am attaching a picture of how you can connect with me via text messaging, if you’d like to do that. I hope it works, however, I’m not sure how I will know who is who, so please tell me your name & student….This form of communication is ideal for SHORT messages and notes… so & so is sick today, or will be picked up for a doctor’s appointment, had a rough morning, etc…. you get the picture. You can also call the classroom direct at 541-790-6448 or email me at  Anyway, we had a GRRRREAT first day & I am looking forward to working with your student & you! Thank you so much, Bambi



Welcome to the 2019/2020 school year!

Many parents are nervous when their student starts middle school. It is a time of major growth and change. One of the biggest issues that we see in 6th graders is trouble with organization. Many come on the first day of school with bags that contain all of their items. Please make sure you help your student set up his or her binder – adding the paper, the class dividers, pencil pouches, etc., will save time later on when it’s semi-chaotic with all of the students in the building.

Your student will receive an agenda/planner during the first week of school. Please make sure you read through it; know the policies and explain them to your student if necessary. Students are given more freedom in middle school than they had in elementary school. For some, it is difficult to self-manage. We are here to help them do just that! =)

One of the most important things that your student will need in the CLC is a pair of ear buds for use with their iPad. Students are often given books to listen to and read along with. It is impossible to do when everyone is playing different stories out loud. 

I don’t generally assign  homework in the CLC, as students are given additional time to complete assignments IN class. The exception is… IF your student does not get assignments completed in class with the allotted time, I will be sending it home.  This will be true especially for math. I have found that once students get behind, it is practically impossible for them to get caught up. Please check binders for assignments & papers that need signatures, etc., on a regular basis to help them keep up.

In addition, the academic support & social skills classes are combined. If they appear twice on your child’s schedule, it is because they will receive those services during first or sixth period. For example, they may receive academic support during 1st and social skills during 6th on one day and vice versa on another day. This depends on assignments for different classes & due dates. Students who are on check -in/ check out (CICO), will also have the ability to do that during those periods. Having them in both 1st & 6th means that we will be able to interchange the instruction  & services they receive, so that they get it when they need it.

This is the first summer that I did NOT work ESY. I’ve been busy working on my house – it’s been exhausting – haha! It is going to be great getting back to work and I am looking forward to working with our new group of 10  (yes TEN!) 6th graders. I love what I do & it is so cool to see kids learn and grow academically, socially, and emotionally during the middle school years.  I am looking forward to working with them and YOU as well. Thank you for stopping by… I will try to keep this blog updated with important “stuff ” and news that’s specific to the CLC.

Best, Bambi