Archive for September, 2019

Email Sent ~ I’m not sure it went!

Here is the email that I sent to all parents on 9/4/19….It was sent, but I’m not sure it went! I was told that only 5 parents got it… hmmmm

Hello Parents,

First, let me apologize if you get this email multiple times. Because I am using Synergy (our attendance & grading system) to send these to all of my classes, if your student has me multiple times, you’ll get multiple emails. I don’t use this very often due to this reason. Today, I sent home a paper for you to look at regarding grades, classes, homework, etc. Not all of the students got them, so I will be giving them out again tomorrow. Be on the look out. On that paper, it talks about a new texting system I am using, called “Remind”.  It’s so new, that I made a mistake! I am attaching a picture of how you can connect with me via text messaging, if you’d like to do that. I hope it works, however, I’m not sure how I will know who is who, so please tell me your name & student….This form of communication is ideal for SHORT messages and notes… so & so is sick today, or will be picked up for a doctor’s appointment, had a rough morning, etc…. you get the picture. You can also call the classroom direct at 541-790-6448 or email me at  Anyway, we had a GRRRREAT first day & I am looking forward to working with your student & you! Thank you so much, Bambi