Home Room Information

Welcome to Room #5. Your Teacher: Mr. Glassow. Mr. Glassow and Ms.Olsen are changing things up a bit this year for 5th graders. We are providing a block instructional model. This means that if your homeroom is with Mr. Glassow, will be teaching Math, Science and Health.  Ms. Olsen’s will be teaching  Reading, Writing, and Social Studies. 

To support communication between school and home, both Ms. Olsen and I have connected with Remind. This tool allows parents to contact us directly through text messages without providing phone numbers.

Please download the Remind App and type in the following codes:

  1. Send a text to (81010), Text this message (@glass82461) 
  2. Send a text to (81010). Text this message(@olsen20192)


 Date  Description  Leave School:   Return to School:  October 18,2019  Oregon Coast Trip.   7:30 a.m. TBA                                                                          

Helping Your Child in School

You can help your children succeed in school by helping them follow these 10 tips. *Tip #1: Focus on Homework. For each subject, whether your children have been given homework or not, make sure they review their notes.  This will mean that when a big test or an end of unit test comes up, they …

What is Test Anxiety?