Names: Marcus A. Glassow
Birthday: August 24th
Hometown: Eugene Oregon
Colleges: University of Oregon, Western Oregon University.
Certifications: Master’s Elementary Education,K-12 Physical Education, and Administration.
Family: Married / Three children / Three grandchildren.
E-mail: glassow_m@4j.lane.edu
“What is needed is improvement of education, not simply by turning out
teachers who can do better the things that are now
necessary to do, but rather by changing the conception of what
constitutes education.”
– John Dewey,
The Relation of Theory to Practice in Education
Philosophy of Education: Motivation is the Foundation of Education.
Given the right environment, inspiration and support; every child is capable of learning. Children should be part of an environment that promotes opportunities to engage in successful learning experiences. Demonstration and “hands-on” experiences should be provided to promote interest, motivation and overall understanding of the concept being taught. Education is about students making intelligent choices, thinking and analyzing critically, collaborating with others and independently learning from the classroom environment. Every child is capable of learning, and the teacher should serve as a facilitator and a co-learner for the student.
Education and Teaching Experience:
• MAT- Elementary Education from Western Oregon University.
- •BS: Physical Education from the University of Oregon.
- •Minor: Coaching
- •Fern Ridge SD, Aug 19.. to June 200.. I taught Physical Education K-12 at both Elmira and Noti Elementary. after receiving my masters, I moved into the classroom teaching 5th grade at Veneta Elementary.
- •Eugene SD 4j: I taught Technology, 6th grade math, and P.E. at Madison Middle School for five years. Fall of 2004 I began teaching 5th grade at McCornack Elementary.
- • I am entering my 30th year of teaching. I am inspired every year by being in the presence of greatness.
Interests and Hobbies: Woodworking,reading, computers, coaching / playing soccer, traveling (Europe, Mexico,and many parts of the U.S), off road dirt bike riding and, spending time with family and friends.
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