All posts by garland_j

Weekly Agenda February 24-28, 2020

Weekly Agenda-Week of:  February 24-28, 2020
Go to google classroom and/or the link on the blog for your specific class for links to  classwork assignments  and homework assignments. 
ALICE review 
slides 1-7
ALICE review
Slides 8-14
Digital Citizenship 
No Homeroom.
Early Release Friday. 
 7/8th Grade Health
OWL (Our Whole Lives Human Sexuality)
Values Reflection and discussion of 
 sexuality and values (from last week).
Pregnancy Parenting, and Teenage Parenthood:
Reading: Teen Mom Tells Her Story by Anonymous (Age 16)
Discussion about reading
Juno movie trailer/discussion about media portrayal of youth parenting
Reflection on your goals around parenting
Different ways pregnancy can occur
OWL (Our Whole Lives Human Sexuality)
Conception, pregnancy, and birth
Male reproductive system
Menstruation and conception
Fertilization, implantation, stages of pregnancy
OWL (Our Whole Lives Human Sexuality)
Anonymous questions answered
Pregnancy Parenting, and Teenage Parenthood:
Labor, birth, and delivery
Goals and dreams/personal timeline
Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation:
Video:  Understanding Complexities of Gender
Discuss Video
OWL (Our Whole Lives Human Sexuality)
Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation:
Definitions and SIEO Model
SIEO Model: Table group definition matching activity
Video:  Straightlaced, how gender has us all tied up
OWL (Our Whole Lives Human Sexuality)
Anonymous questions answered
Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation:
Sexual Orientation Overview and scenarios
Sexual Orientation Definitions
Sexual Orientation Myths and Facts
Next week:
Microaggressions and how to be an ally
LGBTQ Glossary Match Up
Preparation for LGBTQ+ Panel.
Tuesday 3/3/20.
Healthy Lifestyles PE 
Dance unit:
Review basic cardio dance and add on
Jigsaw group activity: expert groups review dance steps (from dance we are learning) and share with their group
Dance of 8 counts activity: small groups create and share dance of 8 counts from movement word cards
Dance Unit: 
Review dance and add on
Jigsaw group activity: expert groups review dance steps (from dance we are learning) and share with their group
Finish (or begin)  sharing dance of 8 counts dances 
1/2 mile or mile run (student choice) or Pacer Test if weather is bad
Dance noodle tag
Dance mini projects
small groups (3-4)  create a 16 count dance phrase to teach the class.
We will do all the dance phrases together and add on and have one long dance.
Dance Unit 
Review and practice basic cardio dance
“Line Dance” add on activity 
Work on  dance projects 
Mini dance projects due: Monday 3/2/20.  
Each group will share and we will do the add on dance as a whole class. 
Tag games

Weekly Agenda, February 17-21, 2020

Weekly Agenda-Week of:  February 17-21,2020
Go to google classroom and/or the link on the blog for your specific class for links to  classwork assignments  and homework assignments. 
No School. President’s Day. 
Gender and Sexuality
LGBTQ Policy Maps (add link) 
Slides 1-10
Laws and policies affecting LGBTQ population. 
Slides 1-10
Laws and policies affecting LGBTQ population. 
Gender and Sexuality
Slides 11-26
Laws regarding schools and students, housing and employment around LGBTQ population. 
No Homeroom.  Early Release Friday. 
 7/8th Grade Health
No School. President’s Day. 
Human Sexuality Unit Our Whole Lives (OWL) day 1:
OWL intro
What is OWL (Our Whole Lives)  (review)
Class Agreements
Anonymous Question Form 
What is Sexuality/Circles of Sexuality (review)
Sexuality and Values:  Values Philosophical Chairs
Guest Speakers:
from Whitebird CAHOOTS Community Mental Health Support presenting on Mental Health Awareness and Suicide Prevention 
Guest Speakers:
from Whitebird CAHOOTS Community Mental Health Support presenting on Mental Health Awareness and Suicide Prevention 
Reflection on guests from Whitebird
Human Sexuality Unit Our Whole Lives (OWL):
Pregnancy Parenting, and Teenage Parenthood:
Reading: Teen Mom Tells Her Story by Anonymous (Age 16)
Discussion about reading
Juno movie trailer/discussion about media portrayal of youth parenting
Reflection on your goals around parenting
Different ways pregnancy can occur
Healthy Lifestyles PE 
No School. President’s Day. 
Rock Paper Scissors Partner Conditioning 
Sharks and Minnows
Dance Unit Day 1
Dance Unit Intro activities:
Dance steps across the floor.
Name with syllable rhythm activity
Create a “dance “of 8 counts
Cupid shuffle basic  moves to music
Learn a basic cardio dance
Dance Unit:
Partner Conditioning with Dance moves
Cupid shuffle basic moves to music 
Review and practice basic cardio dance
Group circle dance
Dance noodle tag
Tag games

Weekly Agenda February 10-14,2020

Weekly Agenda-Week of:  February 10-14, 2020
Go to google classroom and/or the link on the blog for your specific class for links to  classwork assignments  and homework assignments. 
Slides 1-7
Empathy vs. Sympathy
Empathetic Listening
Empathetic response practice (in student email) 
Community Focus: Empathy
Slides 8-11
Empathetic Listening practice
Community Focus: Empathy
Slides 12-14
Videos: Understanding Empathy
Bystander effect
School Climate Survey
No Homeroom.
Early Release Friday.
 7/8th Grade Health
Substance Abuse Awareness and Prevention: 
Effects of substances: Alcohol/Depressants  info
Reducing Alcohol related harms
Protective Factors
Identify your protective factors
Parent/Guardian interview about substance use concerns  Due: Tuesday 2/11.   
Substance Abuse Awareness and Prevention: 
E-Cigarettes, JUUL, Vaping: Basic info and risks
Which substance is more addictive?
How the brain reacts to nicotine
Ongoing Conversation: Why do it/positive alternatives
Refusal skills (table group discussion)
Write questions for guest panel tomorrow
Reminder:  Guests tomorrow Substance Abuse Awareness and Prevention Panel
Substance Abuse Awareness and Prevention: 
Guest Speakers:  Panel on Substance Abuse Awareness and Prevention.
Welcome:  JoAnne from Al-Anon,  Opal from Alateen, Brandy from Emergence
Each panel member will tell their story and share info about the community resource they are connected with
Question and answer session w/ panel
Substance Abuse Awareness and Prevention: 
Natural High/Wait 21 Poster Project Guidelines and Outline
Review poster project  guidelines, outline, and grading rubric
Complete  poster project outline
Work on poster project
Natural High/Wait 21 Posters due: end of class Friday 2/14/20.
Substance Abuse Awareness and Prevention: 
Natural High/Wait 21 Poster Project
Work on posters.
When your poster is done: Take of a picture of your poster on your phone or iPad to save it as a reference to remind you of your Wait 21/Natural High plan. 
Natural High/Wait 21 Posters due: end of class today
Healthy Lifestyles PE 
Extreme Fitness Unit:
Muscle Study Workout presentations
HIIT (High Intensity Interval) Workouts in workout groups
Fitness  Musical Hoops
Extreme Fitness Unit:
Piyo Flow overview and session in fitness warm up spots
Musical fitness spots
Extreme Fitness Unit:
Info and grading rubric for Final Extreme Fitness Conditioning Performance Assessment: Fitness Circuit Workouts 
Partner Conditioning
1/2 mile or mile run or run/walk combo (student choice).  
HIIT workouts
Tomorrow 2/13/20: Final Extreme Fitness Conditioning Performance Assessment: Fitness Circuit Workouts 
Extreme Fitness Unit:
Final Extreme Fitness Conditioning Performance Assessment: Fitness Circuit Workouts 
Fitness Freeze Tag
Tag Games

Weekly Agenda February 3-7, 2020

Weekly Agenda-Week of:  February 3-7, 2020
Note: In the coming weeks there will be guest speakers in the 7/8th Grade Health classes. These will be posted on the agenda a week in advance and you can also look at the guest speakers calendar in the  General class info/resources  section of this blog  to see further ahead. 
Go to google classroom and/or the link on the blog for your specific class for links to  classwork assignments  and homework assignments. 
Slides 3-5
Goals vs. Wishes
Slides 6-9
Grit and Famous Failures
Slides 10-14
Performance Goals vs. Learning Goals 
Slides 15-18
No Homeroom. Early release Friday. 
 7/8th Grade Health
Active Listening Interview Projects.
Projects due: End of class today.  Complete for homework if you need more time. 
Substance Abuse Awareness and Prevention Unit:
Philosophy of Harm Reduction
Understanding Addiction as a Disease (Wait 21) Video
Drugs and Alcohol Facts Online Quiz
Ongoing conversation
Substance Use, Misuse, and Dependence
Substance Abuse Awareness and Prevention Unit:
Why do teens use substances/Most frequently used substance among teens/how has substance use changed in recent years
Understanding substance use continuum
Substance use related harms/harm reduction strategies
Protective Factors
Homework:  Interview a parent/guardian  about parent views  and concerns about  substances use.  Due:  Friday 2/7/20.
Substance Abuse Awareness and Prevention Unit:
How the brain functions
Drug classifications
Substances and the Teenage Brain
Video: workings of the adolescent mind
Teen Brain vs. Adult Brain
Effects of substances/Alcohol info
Next Week Guest Speakers on Wednesday 2/12/20: Substance Abuse Awareness and Prevention Panel.
Panel members include: 
Al Anon, Ala Teen, Emergence Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center, Cal Young Parent sharing story of her brother’s struggle with alcoholism. 
MAPS testing 
Interview a parent/guardian  about parent views  and concerns about  substances use.  Due:  today.
Healthy Lifestyles PE 
 Extreme Fitness Unit:
Tabata Intro
Partner Conditioning with Tabata moves
Tabata workout in Workout Groups
Muscle Study Workout presentations
Reminder:  Yoga projects are due.  If you need more time outside of class let Ms. Garland know.
Extreme Fitness Unit:
Muscle Study Workout presentations
HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) 
HIIT Intro
HIIT workout stations
Fitness Musical Hoops
Extreme Fitness Unit:
Muscle Study Workout presentations
Mile run or Mile Fitness Walk or walk/run combo (student choice)
Enter Fitness data from run/walk
Insanity (high intensity fitness workout) intro and workout (if time)
Musical fitness spots
Extreme Fitness Unit:
10 minute Tabata Work out
Tag games:
Fitness Freeze Tag
Capture the Cone with Fitness moves 
MAPS testing 

Weekly Agenda January 27-31, 2020

Weekly Agenda-Week of:  January 27-31, 2020
Go to google classroom and/or the link on the blog for your specific class for links to  classwork assignments  and homework assignments. 
Extended Homeroom Schedule.  7th Grade:Assembly (Author Visit)
8th Grade: Cafeteria: Naviance
Digital Literacy
Digital Literacy
No School Progress Report Grading Day. 
 7/8th Grade Health
Mental Health Awareness, Mindfulness and Compassion: 
Discuss Brain Breaks: Compassion
Compassion quotes and poem discussion questions
Oprah and Thitch Nhat Hahn video (Compassionate Listening) 
Mental Health Awareness, Mindfulness and Compassion: 
Ipad expectations reminders
Schedule Ongoing Conversation partner for later in class
Oprah and Thitch Nhat Hahn video:  Compassionate Listening. 
Connection between bullying prevention and compassion (To this day video)
Ongoing Conversation. Discuss video: To This Day
Compassionate/Active listening overview

Compassionate/Active listening overview

Tips for Active Listening Video

Appointment Agenda for Compassion Interviews

Compassion Interview Practice 

Compassion Interview Project Guidelines

Begin working on Compassion Interview Projects. 

Projects Due: Thursday 1/30 by the end of class.  If more time is needed to create the videos this timeline will be extended. 
NOTE: All late work to be graded for the Progress Report grading is due by the end of the day today. Let Ms. Garland know what late assignments you have turned in. 
Compassion Interview Projects:
Work on Compassion Interview Projects. 
Projects Due:  Today, Thursday 1/30 ,by the end of class.  If more time is needed to create the videos this timeline will be extended. 
No School Progress Report Grading Day. 
Healthy Lifestyles PE 
Review Sun Salutation/ Vinyasa
Work on yoga projects
Yoga Projects Due: end of class Thursday 1/30.
Muscle study mini workout  presentations 
Partner Conditioning
Yoga Projects
Muscle study mini work presentations 
1/2 mile run or 1/2 mile walk (student choice).
Enter fitness data from run or walk. 
Yoga projects
Muscle study min work out presentations.
Yoga Projects (finalize and submit).
Yoga Projects Due: End of class today. 
No School Progress Report Grading Day. 

Weekly Agenda Week of January 20-24, 2020.

Weekly Agenda-Week of:  January 20-24, 2020
Go to google classroom and/or the link on the blog for your specific class for links to  classwork assignments  and homework assignments. 
No School. MLK Day. Diversity Focus: Gender and Sexuality Part 2

Slides:  1-5

Demystifying Coming Out (handout in email)

Diversity Focus: Gender and Sexuality Part 2

Slides: 6-9

Article: What are your pronouns?

Article emailed to students. 

Diversity Focus: Gender and Sexuality Part 2

Slides: 10-13

Video: Kids meet a gender non conforming person

No Homeroom. Early Release Friday. 
 7/8th Grade Health
No School. MLK Day.

Mindfulness, Mental Health Awareness, and Compassion Unit:

Nervous System Quick write 

Ongoing Conversation Protocol/Ongoing conversation

More Nervous System basics

Elongation of the spine 

Video: The Mind Explained: Anxiety (take notes)

Discuss and review the video

Due Today: Open Letter Generation Misconceptions. 

Mindfulness, Mental Health Awareness, and Compassion Unit:

Symptoms and types of anxiety /How to treat/prevent anxiety

Stress/anxiety: signs, symptoms, prevention and treatment

Mindfulness review discussion

Video: Mind Explained, Mindfulness (with note taking) 

Mindfulness, Mental Health Awareness, and Compassion Unit:

Discuss Mind Explained, mindfulness video

Compassion and Mindfulness connection

Brain Games:  Compassion

Mindful practices

Meditative Story Podcast and questions/reflection

Mindfulness, Mental Health Awareness, and Compassion Unit:

Compassionate/Active Listening: 

Compassion quotes and poem discussion questions

Oprah and Thitch Nhat Hahn video  or To This Day Video (Connection between compassionate listening and bullying prevention) 

Healthy Lifestyles PE 
No School. MLK Day.
Yoga Unit: 
 Yoga session for reviewing Vinyasa/Sun Salutation

Muscle study mini workout presentations

Yoga project guidelines 

Work on projects

Yoga Unit: 

Muscle study work out presentations

Work on yoga projects


Yoga Projects Due: Friday 1/24.  

Running Day and Yoga Projects:

Muscle study mini workout presentations 

1/2 mile run or mile run student choice. Those who run 1/2 mile will fitness walk while others finish up the mile. 

Enter in data from your run.

Work on yoga projects.

Yoga Projects Due: Friday 1/24.  


Muscle study workout presentations

Tag Games

Work on and finalize yoga projects.

Yoga projects due: Today. 

Weekly Agenda January 13-17, 2020

Weekly Agenda-Week of:  January 13-17, 2020
Go to google classroom and/or the link on the blog for your specific class for links to  classwork assignments  and homework assignments. 
Slides 1-6
Empathy Article emailed.
Yawning test video. 
Community Focus: Empathy. 
Slides 7-11
Why is empathy important.
Video: Under the Surface
Empathy challenge.
Community Focus: Empathy
Slides 12-14
Discuss Under the Surface video 
Community Focus: Empathy
Slides 15-18
Activity: “Snowball” Toss
No Homeroom. Early Release Friday. 
 7/8th Grade Health
Generations Study Unit: 
Gen X and Millennials overview and discuss (4th,5th periods) 
Millennials overview and discuss (6th period)
Generation Z/iGen overview
Conversation protocol
Ongoing conversation: 7 characteristics of your generation
Generation Misconceptions Open Letter Assignment Instructions
Work on Open Letter outline and rough draft
Homework: Generation Interview Due: Wednesday 1/15.
Begin Mental Health Awareness, Mindfulness,  and Compassion Unit:
Mental and Emotional Health Assignment from Walk In Our Shoes Website
Self Esteem Articles and Reflections 
Homework: Generation Interview Due: Wednesday 1/15.
Generations Study Unit:
iGen/GenZ :
7 characteristics discussion
Open Letter: iGen/Gen Z Generation Misconceptions
Work on outline and  rough draft.
Homework: Generation Interview Due: Today
Generations Study Unit:
Discuss Generation Interview
Open Letter: iGen/Gen Z Generation Misconceptions
Work on outline and  rough draft, and final draft. 
If this is not completed in class complete for homework.  Due: Tuesday 1/21/20.
Homework: Open Letter iGen Misconceptions (if not completed in class on Thursday.  Due:  Tuesday 1/21/20.
Mindfulness, Mental Health Awareness, and Compassion Unit:

•Overview of Unit

•Nervous System Brain Science (Part 1)

What does the nervous system do?

•Parts of the Nervous System

•Don’t Flip Yo’ Lid review

Homework: Open Letter iGen Misconceptions (if not completed in class on Thursday.  Due:  Tuesday 1/21/20.
Healthy Lifestyles PE 
Mini Yoga Session
Muscle study mini workout assignment (Complete.  Presentations will start tomorrow and continue 1-2 per day until they are done)
Muscle study mini workouts assignment (complete)
Yoga Stations or musical yoga mats (if time)
Yoga Project overview 
Work on yoga projects and practice for performance assessment 
6 minute challenges (jump rope, hula hoop, run)
Muscle study mini workout assignment.
If weather allows: 
1/2 mile  or mile run (student choice do one or the other). 
Partner Conditioning
Muscle study mini workout presentations (1-2 presentations depending on time)
Yoga project overview.
Work on yoga projects.
Yoga Performance Assessment will happen and yoga projects due: TBA (since Ms. Garland was out sick due date will be extended.)
Muscle study mini work out presentations 
Tag games
Work on yoga projects.

Weekly Agenda January 6-10, 2020

Weekly Agenda-Week of:  January 6-10, 2020
Go to google classroom and/or the link on the blog for your specific class for links to  classwork assignments  and homework assignments. 
No School. Teacher PD day.
Growth Mindset
Growth Mindset
No Homeroom.
Early Release day. 
 7/8th Grade Health
No School. Teacher PD day.
Do Now: Welcome back from break check in (google classroom)
Table group check in/whole class check in 
Strengths Projects: review and prep for presentation 
Project Presentation Expectations/Project Presentations 
Take notes between presentations (note taking doc on google classroom)
Project final reflection 
Strengths Project Presentations 
Project Final Reflection 
Note:  Complete project final reflection at the end of class on the day your group presents.
Submit project presentation notes after all projects have been presented. 
Begin Generations Study Unit:
Generations overview
Baby Boomers/table group discussion
Gen X/table group discussion
Millennials/table group discussion 
Homework assignment instructions
Homework: Interview someone you know from a different generation Due: Tuesday 1/14.
Generations Study Unit: 
Review ongoing conversation protocol 
iGen overview
Ongoing Conversation/iGen
Open Letter Assignment:  What is misunderstood about your generation? 
Outline and Rough Draft
Note: Final draft will also be completed in class on Monday 1/13 and will be due at the end of class on Monday.  (and will be homework if not completed in class on Monday). 
Homework: Interview someone you know from a different generation. Due: Tuesday 1/14.
Healthy Lifestyles PE 
No School. Teacher PD day.
Warm Up
Mini Yoga Session
Muscle study mini workout/goals review/goals and fitness soundtrack activity 
Warm Up
Partner Conditioning with yoga fitness moves
Practice Pacer Test
Enter Pacer Test score on Fitness Data chart
Muscle study mini workout/goals review/goals and fitness soundtrack activity 
Warm Up
Mini Yoga Session
1/2 mile walk or run on track (student choice of either one).  Note:  We may not have time for this today.
Muscle Study Mini workout presentations (or  time to work on them if not complete) 
Yoga Project Overview
Yoga Performance Assessment Info 
Warm Up
Muscle Study mini workout presentations 
Hourglass Fitness (yoga fitness stations)
Tag games

Weekly Agenda December 16-20, 2019

Weekly Agenda-Week of:  December 16-20, 2019 
Go to google classroom and/or the link on the blog for your specific class for links to  classwork assignments  and homework assignments. 
Ducks Basketball Game Field trip Expectations
Gender and Sexuality and /or Password Game 
Cyber Crimes Assembly 
(Extended Homeroom Schedule
Password Game
and/or Winter Break plans check in 
No Homeroom. Friday Early Release.
 7/8th Grade Health
2nd and 4th: Ducks Basketball Game Field trip.
5th and 6th:
Brain Breaks Documentary: Peer Pressure.
Discuss documentary. 
Activity to review Wellness areas and Inspirations vocab: Password. 
Discovering Personal Strengths Unit:
Strengths Survey info
Think-Pair-Share: What does it mean to be flourishing?
Strengths Survey Quick Write
Complete Strengths Survey/Screenshot your results (top and bottom 5)
Strengths Survey  Results Reflection
Reminder:  Keep working on your Wellness Action Plan Goal. You will write about your progress in class on Friday. 
Reminders:  Flexible Seating time/Project work expectations
Strengths Group Project Presentation Guidelines
Strengths Group Presentation Group Assignments
Work on project outline (with your group)
Work on project (after outline is completed)
Strengths Project Timeline: 
Wednesday 12/18/19: Project Guidelines, Group Assignments, Work on project outline and pick your project option.
Thursday 12/19/19:  Work on Projects
Friday 12/19/19:  Work on projects, finalize and submit, sign up to present (possibly more time if needed).
After Break:  Present projects
Work on Strengths Group projects
Timeline:  Entire class period today. All of class tomorrow to finalize and submit project, plan how you will present, and sign up to present. (This timeline will be extended if needed). 
Presentations will be after winter break.
Reminder:  Keep working on your Wellness Action Plan Goal. You will write about your progress in class on Friday. 
Bellringer/Do Now:  Wellness Action Plan Progress Log Week 2
Work on projects (whole class period).
Complete, finalize, and revise, plan how you will present.
Submit the project (add to Strengths Survey Assignment guidelines on google classroom).  
Sign up to present (presentations will be after break!)
Timeline will be extended if needed. 
If you think you are done: finalize, revise, edit. Refer back to your outline and project guidelines.
Healthy Lifestyles PE 
Ducks Basketball Game Field Trip. 
NOTE:  Be prepared to go outside today for 1/2 mile fitness walk.
Partner Conditioning w/ yoga cardio moves
1/2 mile Fitness Walk (on track)
Record Fitness Walk data on chart
Muscle Study  Day 1
NOTE:  Be prepared to go outside today for mile run. 
Fitness Bingo
Discuss Mile Run Protocol: 
PE work ethic, Walk for part of it if absolutely necessary, this is  baseline data, will be able to choose between mile and 1/2 mile for future runs.
Mile run on track
Enter Mile run data on chart.
Muscular Strength and endurance data and/or muscle study and/or 6 minute challenges
Yoga Unit:
Review yoga protocols
Yoga basics: Posture and breathing
Mini yoga intro session
Fitness Game:
Capture the Cone
Kick Ball
Sharks and Minnows
6 minute challenges

Weekly Agenda December 9-13, 2019

Weekly Agenda-Week of:  December 9-13, 2019
Go to google classroom and/or the link on the blog for your specific class for links to  classwork assignments  and homework assignments. 
Diversity Focus:  Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Lessons
Diversity Focus:  Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Lessons
Diversity Focus:  Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Lessons
 7/8th Grade Health
Discuss Wellness Action Plan goals (Reminder: Wellness Action Plan with parent conversation summary due: Tuesday 12/10)
Inspiration Unit: 
Discussion: What does inspiration mean to you? 
Inspirations/Favorites assignment 
Ongoing Conversation
Ms. Garland’s Inspirations
 Inspiration  Project Guidelines
Wellness Action plan with summary of parent/guardian conversation due:Tuesday 12/10/19.
NOTE: you should be actively working on your wellness action plan goal by following the goal and noticing how it’s helping.  On Friday you will complete the Wellness Action Plan Goal Progress Log in class. 
Inspiration Project Guidelines
Work on Outline for project and choose your option 
Begin working on Project 
Work on Inspiration Projects
Appointment Agendas for sharing Inspiration Projects
Finalize, polish and revise projects.
Submit Projects. 
Share projects (follow appointment agendas) 
Bell Ringer: Wellness Action Plan Progress Log Week 1
Share projects (follow appointment agendas) 
Project Sharing Reflection
Project Self Assessment
Begin Generations Study Unit (probably next week) 
Generations overview
(Take notes on Generations Unit Table document) 
Baby Boomers/table group discussion
Gen X/table group discussion
Millennials/table group discussion
iGen/Ongoing Conversation
Guidelines for Classwork assignment : Open Letter and Homework Assignment:  Interview someone from a different generation.  
Details and timeline of above assignments TBA.
Healthy Lifestyles PE 
Baseline fitness data/
conditioning exercises overview Unit:
Warm Up
Conditioning Activity:  Hourglass Fitness
Review proper form for muscular strength and endurance fitness data exercises. 
Muscular strength and endurance fitness data (with workout buddy) :
•Take pictures of planks (with ipad) to practice good form.
•Work with partners and record data for: planks, push ups, sit ups, burpees, jumping jacks, squats.
•Enter in data on fitness data log on google classroom.
Baseline fitness data/
conditioning exercises overview Unit:
Fitness Warm up
Fitness Walking:
•Review concept of fitness walking.
•Fitness walk races
•1/2 mile fitness walk (on track) to gather baseline fitness walking data for goals.
•Cool down stretch (either outside or in fitness line  spots in gym)
•Record data for fitness walk (google classroom)
•Finish up muscular strength and endurance fitness data.
Baseline fitness data/
conditioning exercises overview Unit:
Fitness Warm up
Fitness Bingo/workout stations
Half Mile Run:
•Review running expectations
•1/2 Mile run (on track) to gather baseline running data for goals.
•Stretch (either outside or in fitness line spots in gym)
•Record data for 1/2 mile run (google classroom)
Yoga Unit:
In classroom:  
Yoga pre-“test”
Yoga and football video
In gym:
Conditioning activity: 
•Cardio and yoga stations
•Review yoga cardio moves
•In workout groups rotate through cardio yoga stations
Yoga protocols and expectations:
•Yoga basics: posture and breathing
•Yoga intro mini session 
Partner Conditioning with yoga fitness moves

Tag/Fitness games