I leaned back in my chair, thinking about how productive today had been. I had taken care of several more traitors to the Party, and I had set in motion my plan for one specific traitor, although the traitor, Winston Smith, was unaware of anything. We had been playing this game with him for too long, and the Party did not need to waste anymore resources with him. He believed that “doublethink” would not go unnoticed, and that his thoughts had gone unnoticed. I gave a small laugh, eager to watch as Winston was subjected to reteaching. Soon, he would finally truly love Big Brother. 

     I called in my servant, and told him to get me a drink in celebration of how successful today had been. Although, today could almost be called unproductive, due to the fact that the traitors did not exist to the Party, so they had never existed, and what I had done had never happened. I silently shrugged, I could be celebrating because we had won another battle. I had always thought it was so ironic, how almost everything now revolved  around the war, which wasn’t even happening. The bombs were dropped to keep the proles scared, and to control the population. And if the bombs dropped on heavily populated areas, well, Eastasia just was lucky. 

     My servant arrived, bringing a glass of ruby red wine. I gave a nod of thanks, and took a long drink. I dismissed him, as his countenance was not one to look upon for more than necessary. Tomorrow would bring more work, but soon, maybe not today, or tomorrow, but soon, Winston would come, and the trap would be sprung.