Get To Know Camera, Files1 & ePortfolio

Assignment #1: iPad Photo Rush on Edmodo

Description-This assignment will be done in table groups and students will take unique portraits of their tablemates. Students will gain a general understanding of how to use a camera, upload photos to iPhoto, save to their files1 account and upload the final photos to the student’s ePortfolio. Students will then show pictures to me for a grade.

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Reflection-The assignment was very fun I had a hard time coming up with original ideas. To be honest my group was very bla and unoriginal. It was hard to motivate them to do cool and fun pictures. But we did it, we decided to go to the stair case to take a cool picture there by the balcony. It turned out great! We decided to go upstairs and take a picture of use upside down. I took the photo. Then we needed a picture fast so we decided to do a old yearbook type look. So we tried to not to smile and turned the flash as bright as possible. It turned out working. I thought I was pretty successful!