Ralph’s Camp


      Do you enjoy chilling by the beach, eating fruit (that may or may not give you diarrhea), and swimming in bathing pools? If you do, you should come down to Ralph’s Camp. Ralph’s camp has everything you need including: fresh water, shelter, a bathing pool, and, of course, food. Our shelters will keep you warm and comfortable. The camp has amazing scenery including the beautiful ocean and lush woods. Not only does this camp provide great views and fun activites, it also has a great history. During the last World War, there was a horrible plane crash. There were no adult survivors. However, a group of young English boys were left orphaned. They created their own civilization, but stress and fear eventually drove them to maddness, and there were two gruesome murders. The boys were eventually rescued, but the island is still haunted by the ghosts of the kids who were killed. So if you buy our Exclusive Island Tour Package, you’ll get to visit the sight of all the murders, as well as a free night in Simon’s hideout.

Castle Rock

       Come to Castle Rock! Where you can spend your time: hunting in the nearby woods, launching boulders off the cliff, throwing rocks, eating mostly cooked pork, and spreading face paint all over your lovely face. Everyone cool is here, except Ralph (and others who are now dead). Staying at Castle Rock will make you feel at home, and our rocky landscape, overlooking woods, and (at certain heights) the vast, dark ocean are all features that are sure to impress. Not only do you get a great view of the sea, but there is also an amazing boulder launcher that will make you speechless! We also have a fantastic fire for cooking and staying warm at night to add to your comfort! Castle Rock was originally discovered by three boys (Jack, Ralph, and Roger) while they were looking for a horrible beast. Castle Rock is now under the Dictatorship of Jack Merridew, who is leader of a tribe of Savages, but don’t fear, they are great hosts!