Clarification for College Writing

Due Friday:
In the Essay Connections book, part one is called “On Writing,” and it includes essays about writing. You need to choose two of the first three essays in that section, read them and journal about what you have read. Another part of the book is called “Determining Ideas in a Sequence” (I don’t have the book with me, so I can’t tell you the page number, but if you look in the table of contents, you will find it). You need to choose any two essays in that section and read them and write a journal entry about whatever you choose to read. Additionally, you need to outline a rhetorical analysis about any of the essays in either section. You may choose to outline one of the essays you wrote about, or you may choose a different one. For the outline, you need to provide information about the following:

Author, audience, purpose, structure (see today’s handout), and appeals (ethos- appeals to outside sources or author’s credibility, pathos– appeals to the audience’s emotion, logos– appeals to audience’s sense of logic) to evaluate the essay’s success or failure.

Also due tomorrow are journal responses to Beginner’s Mind, How I Trumped Rudolf Steiner, and The Politics of Language.

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