Vocational Skills Lessons

Video: News Story on FB being bad for the brain/society

The purpose of sharing this news was not to say “never use Facebook,” but to use FB in moderation.  Sort of like eating candy.  This is help prepare them for a healthy media diet over winter break and in life. 


Lessons on “media diet”

This is prepare students for winter break. Hobbies that make you happy are as important in life as careers. This lesson contrasts a food diet (not the main point of the lesson) to a media. The analogy is that junk food/media makes your body/brain sick, but good food/media makes your brain healthy. Also, you can watch consume to much of the good media too, just like how you can consume too much good food.

Job Brainstorm

Student brainstorm for Term 2 topics (job awareness).

Problem Solving Flowcharts

These strategies are taught and practiced with students.



Addressing needs on the job

11_7 Addressing Needs powerpoint

Needs Matching Continued

11-6 Needs matching PowerPoint

Needs cont.

Skills Preference Matching PowerPoints

Practice Preference Matching 10-24

Preference Matching 2.0 10-26


Skills continued

Skills Continued