lost hero
The Lost Hero
by Rick Riordan

Fantasy; 557 pages

Jason, Piper, and Leo, three students from a school for “bad kids,” find themselves at Camp Half-Blood, where they learn that they are demigods and begin a quest to free Hera, who has been imprisoned by Mother Earth herself.

Sam’s review:
This new Percy Jackson series does not start with Percy, but that’s okay because the three characters that keep the action going are great! Jason wakes up on a bus headed to a wilderness school for unruly kids, and he seems to be in a relationship with Piper. The problem for Jason is that he can’t remember anything, and the problem for Piper is that she’s not sure about Jason’s feelings. Leo rounds out the threesome on the ill-fated bus trip. They soon discover that their demigod status means that they are in for a dangerous quest with serious consequences for mankind as well as the gods. Their quest, received at Camp Half-Blood amid all the usual teen in-fighting, catapults them into non-stop action. Each of the characters brings unique problems and potential into the plot, and it’s great to experience them meeting and overcoming challenges. I especially like Leo and his heartbreaking backstory and formidable talents with dragon-building. When you start this book, be prepared to not want to put it down and to want the next volume immediately!

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